Man, that's way worse than The Star-Spangled Banner.
Time to take a look-see at what the revolutionary chuckleheads at the Maoist Internationalist Movement have been up to.
Hey, they've just posted a loony review of J. Arch Getty and Oleg V. Naumov's The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939 (1999). Good quotes:
Rather a good phrase, that: "the left-wing of parasitism." And at last George Will can die in peace, knowing he's been quoted approvingly by the geniuses at MIM.The united $tates puts so many more people in prison for so much longer that the percentage of life-years of the population spent under imprisonment repression is higher in the united $tates than Stalin's Soviet Union, even if we count each execution as a repression of a whole life-time, say the equivalent of 75 years imprisonment . . . .
Of course, when it comes to wars made on other countries, there is no comparison, with just the number of civilians killed in Lebanon in July and August 2006 by u.$.-backed Zionists comparable to the executions by secret police under Stalin in a normal year, the difference being that I$rael and Lebanon are much smaller populations than the 140 million and growing population that Stalin dealt with. Getty mentions that Stalin era modernization compares with what Americans did in colonial times (p. 7)--which includes decimation of the indigenous peoples of Africa and North America . . . .
In the past, the Western left-wing of parasitism bought into the military establishment’s stories about Stalin’s "totalitarianism" and the like, at least 50% of the way. The left-wing of parasitism proved gullible when it came to the claims of libertarians, anarchists and the right-wing of parasitism against Stalin. Without its own compass, the left-wing of parasitism in the West had no way of knowing that so many claims about Stalin were just too far off to become any further "untethered from reality" as George F. Will puts it.
Repression of a lifetime
MIM's getting sophisto, too. Check out this edgy foray into "multimedia." Makes me wanna break somethin'!The August 9 MIM Notes (pdf) has two articles on Ward Churchill, the first a long, incoherent "investigation" of the plagiarism charges, focusing mainly on Churchill's theft from the environmental organization Dam the Dams (I forget--was he stealing from himself in that one?)
Great paranoid quote:
MIM is additionally suspicious of the Dam the Dams plagiarism controversy, because MIM has in recent months had two federal agents approach it and attempt to threaten it into compliant political behavior with reference to potential plagiarism campaigns against MIM. We suggest to people attacking MIM that they better cease their criminal conspiracies. MIM knows what it is doing and does have the upper hand at this time. We also anticipate quite a fireworks show if Churchill ends up in court.
Sheewwwww. Right through the aluminated holes in my brain.
The second is the oddly titled "Observers not fazed by anti-Churchill blitz," apparently written in response to CU Interim Chancellor Di Stefano's recommendation that Ward be fired:
Now the white attack network has beeen called on to review Ward Churchill work 1000 times more carefully than the rest of the faculty at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The governor and various dogs have encouraged everyone to go back and make new charges against Ward Churchill including plagiarism (2).
MIM footnotes its articles all the time, thus assuring accuracy.
Long ago I noted the astonishing fact that MIM has a humor page. They also, I just noticed, have a very strange (and lame!) anti-Amerikan joke page.

Update II: The Drunkablog has had surprisingly frequent occasion to pick on MIM before, by the way.
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