I see that Dave in Texas over at AoS has posted on the photoshopped Nork funeral procession mentioned in the post below. Lots of back-and-forth in comments about whether it is actually a photoshop before everybody starts arguing about Iowa.
Whatever. What struck--and, frankly, frightened--me about this post and its comments is that not a single person mentions the giant potatoes.
Something is radically wrong at AoS.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
We're not in Idaho anymore
The Telegraph notes the apparent photoshopping of a pic of the funeral procession for Kim Jong-Il yesterday.

See the guys with the camera to the left in the left-hand pic? Gone in the right-hand one.
Yeah, big deal. Commies manipulate photographs. Tell me something I didn't know.
But take a closer look:

What are those ovoid things lining the street?
I think the answer can be found in this 2009 snippet from official Nork news agency KCNA (second bullet point):
Update: Could be I'm overthinking this, of course. Maybe they're just the pods the N. Korean government has been hatching mourners out of.

See the guys with the camera to the left in the left-hand pic? Gone in the right-hand one.
Yeah, big deal. Commies manipulate photographs. Tell me something I didn't know.
But take a closer look:

What are those ovoid things lining the street?
I think the answer can be found in this 2009 snippet from official Nork news agency KCNA (second bullet point):
A music and dance performance was given by artistes of the Ryanggang Provincial Art Troupe at the Taehongdan County Cultural Hall on Tuesday to mark the 10th anniversary of the publication of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Bringing about a Signal Turn in Potato Farming". . . .Trofim Lysenko was right!
Update: Could be I'm overthinking this, of course. Maybe they're just the pods the N. Korean government has been hatching mourners out of.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
As everybody knows, the D-blog is no stranger to hard physical labor. He's worked in factories, on the farm, and even, during one of his earlier periods of gender confusion, as a milliner.
But refinishing floors kicks my ass every time. It's not so much the big drum sander you use for the wide-open spaces (though try carrying one up a flight of stairs); those are self-propelled, and while extremely awkward to maneuver, don't necessarily reduce one to a quivering hulk of hacking exhaustion.
No, it's the little disk sander, the one you use to sand around the edges of a room, that kills me. It weighs maybe 40 pounds, which doesn't sound like a lot, but to use it you have to stand bent nearly double, holding on for dear life while the disk rotates at 10,000 rpm (est.) and the thing threatens to rip itself out of your hands and run amuck like, like, I don't know, a mangler that's tasted human blood or something.
And you can't just hold on to the thing while it does the work. You have to use finesse to get the old finish off smoothly while not gouging big holes in your floor or foot or face, all while inhaling clouds of sawdust. I think I inhaled a couple 2x4's worth this go-round.
Oh well, bitching done. Now I'm on the easy part, puttin' down the Varathane. Good thing years of glue-sniffing has inured me to the fumes.
Update: A reader (yeah, sure) asks via e-mail: "Mr. D-blog, darling, why don't you just wear a mask over your fawn-like features to avoid inhaling that nasty sawdust?"
Dear reader: I do, but it doesn't seem to help much.
But refinishing floors kicks my ass every time. It's not so much the big drum sander you use for the wide-open spaces (though try carrying one up a flight of stairs); those are self-propelled, and while extremely awkward to maneuver, don't necessarily reduce one to a quivering hulk of hacking exhaustion.
No, it's the little disk sander, the one you use to sand around the edges of a room, that kills me. It weighs maybe 40 pounds, which doesn't sound like a lot, but to use it you have to stand bent nearly double, holding on for dear life while the disk rotates at 10,000 rpm (est.) and the thing threatens to rip itself out of your hands and run amuck like, like, I don't know, a mangler that's tasted human blood or something.
And you can't just hold on to the thing while it does the work. You have to use finesse to get the old finish off smoothly while not gouging big holes in your floor or foot or face, all while inhaling clouds of sawdust. I think I inhaled a couple 2x4's worth this go-round.
Oh well, bitching done. Now I'm on the easy part, puttin' down the Varathane. Good thing years of glue-sniffing has inured me to the fumes.
Update: A reader (yeah, sure) asks via e-mail: "Mr. D-blog, darling, why don't you just wear a mask over your fawn-like features to avoid inhaling that nasty sawdust?"
Dear reader: I do, but it doesn't seem to help much.
You running dog capitalist pig war-mong--hey, nice wheels
Wondered this morning what kind of car it was Kim Jong the Second was planking on on the way to his non-dirt nap in this video. Couldn't imagine it was an American car, though it looked like one, but somebody over at AoS says it's a 1960 Lincoln. Mmmm, not so sure of that. Nice flocking, though.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Death becomes Kim
Probably a little too convoluted a pun for youse guys. Never mind. The Telegraph:
Meanwhile (as some no doubt long-daid journalism teacher told us never to use as a transition):
Koreans are weird.
Hundreds of thousands of North Korean citizens are expected to turn out on Wednesday for the funeral of Kim Jong-il, the man they have revered as The Dear Leader since he assumed power in 1994.The what of his rule? His commitment to what? Not even a hint of irony.
State media have so far given no indications of how the event will proceed, although it is likely to be similar to the funeral for Kim's father, Kim Il-sung, and underline the achievements of his rule and his commitment to the North Korea people.
The media is simultaneously playing up the attributes and wisdom of Kim Jong-un, who has inherited his father's role as the leader of the nation, despite his youth. Kim Jong-un, who is believed to be 28 years old, was on Monday appointed to the top post in North Korea's Workers' Party.First I heard, he was in his early 30s. Then he was 30. Then 29. If this keeps up . . .
Meanwhile (as some no doubt long-daid journalism teacher told us never to use as a transition):
Authorities in South Korea have meanwhile [guess this guy didn't have the same journalism teacher] threatened to resort to force to prevent students and supporters of the regime in North Korea setting up altars to mourn Kim Jong-il's death.Applauding. National police finger truncheons. Applauding and sympathizing. Whompwhompwhomp!
Private security guards and officials of the elite Seoul National University have already torn down an altar set up in the grounds of the university and rejected requests from three students to burn incense on an altar in the student union building in honour of the later North Korean leader, Yonhap news agency reported.
"I thought it was the least we could do to show respect to a partner in forging peace on the Korean Peninsula," one of the three students told Yonhap, referring to Kim as one of the participants in summit meetings with former South Korean presidents Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyun.
"It is a controversial issue that we do not even have one space to mourn the death in this country," the student said.
The police have issued clear warnings that anyone who attempts to pay tribute to Kim Jong-il is breaking the law.
"Setting up altars to mourn Chairman Kim constitutes crimes against the National Security Law, which bans applauding and sympathising (with the communist North)," an official of the National Police Agency said. "We may even resort to force in order to prevent incense altars."
Koreans are weird.
Friday, December 23, 2011
'Santa says thank you to his liver transplant team'
That's the title of the video accompanying this Post story on a Denver-area (fake) Santa who (checking notes) got a liver transplant a while ago. No indication that he was a bad Santa, if you know what I mean (makes universally recognized drinky-drinky sign); just thought I'd try to cheer you moribund *ucks up a little.
This is not him:
This is not him:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Occupy Denver winning friends and influencing people
The Post:
A traditionally solemn annual memorial for people who died on Denver's streets was disrupted by a loud Occupy Denver group Tuesday night. . . .Original, as usual.
[P]rotesters shouted "fascist," "criminal" and other slurs as Mayor Michael Hancock stepped forward to address the 22nd annual Homeless Persons' Memorial Vigil on the steps of the City and County Building.
For about three minutes, the mayor pleaded with them to show civility to the families present and respect for the 136 men and women whose names were to be called, homeless people who died in the past year. The vigil's organizers say the memorial is often the only public recognition those men and women's deaths ever receive.The first graf, by the way, says the vigil is "for people who died on Denver's streets." One hundred and thirty-six of them? Hard to believe. Note how the paragraph above just says "died in the past year." This piece a couple of years ago from Fox31 breaks that year's number down a little. In short, 136 people did not "die in the streets" this year. Anyway:
Others in the audience shouted back at the protesters with such replies as "show some respect" and "grow up.Fat chance.
After a few minutes, Hancock surrendered the podium to allow the vigil to go on.Occupods, homeless? Their moms and dads wish.
"This mayor evicted homeless people to die last night," said a woman who refused to give her name but was prominent in shouting at police during Monday night's clash with protesters. "He does not deserve to be heard or respected."
"It's disgraceful," said Cynthia Ingram, who had traveled from Buffalo, N.Y., for the event to honor a cousin on the list.Pretty much.
"This isn't about their political agenda; it's about our family, some sympathy and showing just a little bit of respect for the dead. I am so angry right now."
Ingram said she had previously agreed with the Occupy mission on corporate greed but did not respect the outbursts at the memorial.
"Totally classless," she said.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tantrum Time
The Post on the final eviction (mebbe, and after three or four previous tries) of the Occupy Denver protesters from Civic Center Park:
Update: Ace, of course, had it before I did, and a commenter on that post asks a plaintive question that should have occurred to me: "Is the Mayor Shelby, the Dog okay?" My guess: He was burned alive, screaming in a voice almost human, in one of those melting tents. Good doggie.
At midnight today, they Tebowed.Take me now, Jeebus.
Occupy Denver protesters took a knee at Broadway and West 13th Avenue as Denver police officers lined up at the Denver Public Library, corralling them after pressing them from their weeks-old encampment.But protesters managed to pull one more I'm-gonna-hold-my-breath-till-I-turn-blue tantrum:
When the Tebowing was over, "God Bless America" rang out before the crowd of about 40protestors retreated south on Broadway, shouting pledges that the occupation was not over.According to a later story, nine ended up arrested. No journalists among them.
The clash had been intense and swift, with police shoving protestors and journalists alike with their batons, but it appeared only one protestor was taken into custody.
Afterwards, White said officers had hoped to ask the protestors a final time to remove their belongings, but when two prostestors began setting the shelters aflame, officers and firefighters had to move it.
A firetruck moved in to douse the flames as a battery of police closed ranks shouting, "Move back!" to allow firefighters access. Police said two protestors were arrested on arson charges and two were arrested on charges of failing to obey a lawful order.
White had issued an ultimatum Monday afternoon to Occupy Denver protesters, saying that time was up and the city would forcibly dismantle their encampment near Civic Center at any moment.Mooches to the end:
The notice given at a meeting behind closed doors at police headquarters was the latest development in the battle between the Occupy Denver protesters and the city over the permanent demonstration on sidewalks that border Broadway between Colfax and 14th avenues. . . .
Protesters have built shelters, arranged tarps, set down sleeping bags and even tied a kayak to a tree, against [sic] violating a city ordinance that forbids "encumbrances" on public rights of way. They've tried to state their case in federal court, to no avail.
"A decision was made that that needs to occur. They were asked to do it. And they decided they weren't going to do it," White said earlier Monday. "Now it is on us to make that happen."
The protesters left the meeting disgusted, calling the meeting "incredibly unproductive" and asking if they could take the crackers, fruits and veggie trays that were provided back to their protest.From the later story:
During a joint news conference, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock and Police Chief Robert White said they remain committed to protecting the First Amendment rights of Occupy Denver protesters — but they will no longer tolerate structures on the sidewalks.We'll see.
"If it goes up today, it goes down today," White said.
Update: Ace, of course, had it before I did, and a commenter on that post asks a plaintive question that should have occurred to me: "Is the Mayor Shelby, the Dog okay?" My guess: He was burned alive, screaming in a voice almost human, in one of those melting tents. Good doggie.
'Kim Jong the Second'
According to the Telegraph, that's what Rick Perry called the malevolent dwarf in a press release. Gad.
The MD, by the way, is lookin' stylish in his commie-preferred airtight (?) glass box:

His funeral isn't until the 28th, almost two weeks after he croaked. Mmmmm, rotty.
The Telegraph, by the way, is breathlessly live- (sic) blogging the shitstain's death, including a link to news.com.au's roundup of allegedly funny internet reactions ("As we speak, George Lucas is digitally adding Kim Jong-Il to the celebration scene in Return of the Jedi," one wag tweeted. Meh.).
The MD, by the way, is lookin' stylish in his commie-preferred airtight (?) glass box:

His funeral isn't until the 28th, almost two weeks after he croaked. Mmmmm, rotty.
The Telegraph, by the way, is breathlessly live- (sic) blogging the shitstain's death, including a link to news.com.au's roundup of allegedly funny internet reactions ("As we speak, George Lucas is digitally adding Kim Jong-Il to the celebration scene in Return of the Jedi," one wag tweeted. Meh.).
Monday, December 19, 2011
Merry Christmas, stoners
Found stuck in the front door last week:

Sinister Santa sez: Toke up, dude!

There are at least half a dozen medical weed dispensaries within a half mile of here. The handy-dandy Weedmaps.com shows that the Denver metro area has tons of them; the Denver Channel said a couple of years ago that they outnumbered Starbucks by almost two to one--390 to 208. (This doesn't seem to be borne out by the weedmap, which shows many fewer than that. Stoners.)
If the d-blog were that type of person, he would point out that the medical marijuana biz is a total scam, a (fig?) leaf to cover pot sales to anyone at all, and thus an encouragement to disrespect of the law in general and etc. But since he's not that type of person, the d-blog also won't urge Colorado to just legalize the shit, already, collect the tax windfall, pay off the deficit, and STFU.
Update: Funny how Santa looks just like a biker I used to see hanging out at the Love to Drink Inn.

Sinister Santa sez: Toke up, dude!

There are at least half a dozen medical weed dispensaries within a half mile of here. The handy-dandy Weedmaps.com shows that the Denver metro area has tons of them; the Denver Channel said a couple of years ago that they outnumbered Starbucks by almost two to one--390 to 208. (This doesn't seem to be borne out by the weedmap, which shows many fewer than that. Stoners.)
If the d-blog were that type of person, he would point out that the medical marijuana biz is a total scam, a (fig?) leaf to cover pot sales to anyone at all, and thus an encouragement to disrespect of the law in general and etc. But since he's not that type of person, the d-blog also won't urge Colorado to just legalize the shit, already, collect the tax windfall, pay off the deficit, and STFU.
Update: Funny how Santa looks just like a biker I used to see hanging out at the Love to Drink Inn.
North Koreans 'chocking with grief' at death of Kim Jong-Il
So what killed the murderous little bastard? According to the (North) Korean Central News Agency, it was
Update: I want a multiplexer appreciation room! With modern stereo sound facilities!
Update II: "National Funeral Committee Formed"
Update III: Kim Jong-Il's successor Kim ("Sonny Boy") Jong-Un:

Unlike Daddy, he has kissable lips.
an advanced acute myocardial infarction, complicated with a serious heart shock, on train on December 17, Juche 100 (2011) for a great mental and physical strain caused by his uninterrupted field guidance tour for the building of a thriving nation.Rats. Here's video of the North Korean people "choking with grief," as KCNA put it. One must (to coin a phrase) have a heart of stone to watch this without laughing.
Every possible first-aid measure was taken immediately but he passed away at 08:30 on December 17.
Update: I want a multiplexer appreciation room! With modern stereo sound facilities!
Update II: "National Funeral Committee Formed"
Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- National funeral committee will be made up of following persons:End communique.
Kim Jong Un, Kim Yong Nam, Choe Yong Rim, Ri Yong Ho, Kim Yong Chun, Jon Pyong Ho, Kim Kuk Thae, Kim Ki Nam, Choe Thae Bok, Yang Hyong Sop, Kang Sok Ju, Pyon Yong Rip, Ri Yong Mu, Kim Kyong Hui, Kim Yang Gon, Kim Yong Il, Pak To Chun, Choe Ryong Hae, Jang Song Thaek, Ju Kyu Chang, Kim Rak Hui, Thae Jong Su, Kim Phyong Hae, Kim Jong Gak, U Tong Chuk, Kim Chang Sop, Mun Kyong Dok, Ri Thae Nam, O Kuk Ryol, Kim Chol Man, Ri Ul Sol, Jon Ha Chol, Kang Nung Su, Ro Tu Chol, Jo Pyong Ju, Han Kwang Bok, Paek Se Bong, Ri Yong Su, Choe Hui Jong, O Il Jong, Kim Jong Im, Chae Hui Jong, Kim Ki Ryong, Jang Pyong Gyu, Kim Pyong Ryul, Hong In Bom, Ri Man Gon, Ju Yong Sik, Kwak Pom Gi, O Su Yong, Ro Pae Gwon, Pak Thae Dok, Kim Hi Thaek, Kang Yang Mo, Rim Kyong Man, Kim Kyong Ok, Kim Myong Guk, Kim Won Hong, Hyon Chol Hae, Han Tong Gun, Jo Kyong Chol, Pak Jae Gyong, Pyon In Son, Yun Jong Rin, Jong Myong Do, Ri Pyong Chol, Choe Sang Ryo, Kim Yong Chol, Kang Phyo Yong, Kim Hyong Ryong, Ri Yong Hwan, Kim Chun Sam, Choe Kyong Song, Ri Myong Su, Jon Hui Jong, Ri Yong Gil, Hyon Yong Chol, Choe Pu Il, Yang Tong Hun, Ri Pong Juk, Kim Song Chol, Pak Kwang Chol, Ri Pyong Sam, Jon Chang Bok, O Kum Chol, Kim In Sik, Kim Song Dok, Ryo Chun Sok, Pak Sung Won, Ri Yong Chol, Pak Ui Chun, Kim Hyong Sik, Kim Thae Bong, Jon Kil Su, Ri Mu Yong, An Jong Su, Ri Ryong Nam, Ryu Yong Sop, Pak Myong Chol, Kim Yong Jin, Jang Chol, Song Ja Rip, Kim Jong Suk, Kang Tong
Update III: Kim Jong-Il's successor Kim ("Sonny Boy") Jong-Un:

Unlike Daddy, he has kissable lips.
Friday, December 16, 2011
How to coil an extension cord
One of the D-blog's aims when he started this dismal bog was to post helpful little how-tos for you DIYers out there. After nearly seven years (I forgot), here's my first. Well, it's not actually mine, but you know what I mean:
Amazingly, this worked for the D-blog the very first time he tried it.
Okay, that was pretty simple. Let's try something a little more advanced:
Comment from a grateful Youtube watcher: "why do I have the urge to punch this guy in the face??"
A technique for rolling cable:
Yes, none of these videos has any relevance to the lives of D-blog readers if any. Here's one that does:
Remember, this might take a little practice.
Update: Jeez, how could I forget?
As we have learned: they're doing it wrong.
Amazingly, this worked for the D-blog the very first time he tried it.
Okay, that was pretty simple. Let's try something a little more advanced:
Comment from a grateful Youtube watcher: "why do I have the urge to punch this guy in the face??"
A technique for rolling cable:
Yes, none of these videos has any relevance to the lives of D-blog readers if any. Here's one that does:
Remember, this might take a little practice.
Update: Jeez, how could I forget?
As we have learned: they're doing it wrong.
Christopher Hitchens
Well, it wasn't like we didn't know it was coming. The Telegraph's Toby Young: "The Cicero of the saloon bar"; the Guardian; the Mail (which also has a piece by Hitchens' brother Peter on becoming a Christian and coming to terms with his brother's atheism); Vanity Fair (which also has a surprisingly unamusing video compilation of some of Hitchens' "immortal rejoinders"); the Huffpo (just because it notes the NYT stopped its presses to run Hitch's obit on A1); and, for completeness, the NYT.
I've read only a couple of his books (Why Orwell Matters and Hitch-22), and his strident atheism got old in a hurry, but I've read many of his essays, and the one I'll always love him for is his appreciation of one of my longtime favorite comic novels. Here it is, as it appeared in The Atlantic in 2002: "The Man of Feeling: Lucky Jim, Kingsley Amis's comic masterpiece, may be the funniest book of the past half century."
It is. And much more than Hitchens' nearly traitorous (to the left) warnings of the danger posed by Islamofascism, or his support of the Iraq war, his love for that book made me feel like I really knew, and liked, the man.
I've read only a couple of his books (Why Orwell Matters and Hitch-22), and his strident atheism got old in a hurry, but I've read many of his essays, and the one I'll always love him for is his appreciation of one of my longtime favorite comic novels. Here it is, as it appeared in The Atlantic in 2002: "The Man of Feeling: Lucky Jim, Kingsley Amis's comic masterpiece, may be the funniest book of the past half century."
It is. And much more than Hitchens' nearly traitorous (to the left) warnings of the danger posed by Islamofascism, or his support of the Iraq war, his love for that book made me feel like I really knew, and liked, the man.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Glottal fry
Everybody's talking about it, but the D-blog noticed it post-election three years ago during an interview by the rancid Amy Goodman of Democracy Now with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (see update III).
(Henry Kissinger voice: Yes, I'm wonderful. Now you, tell me how wonderful I am.)
(Henry Kissinger voice: Yes, I'm wonderful. Now you, tell me how wonderful I am.)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
On the bright side
Can't believe I haven't seen this over at AoS, especially since it's a couple of days old: "NJ woman charged in penis silicone injection death."
"10 minutes to save the world"
Hang on while I throw up in your mouth. A lot. Accounts from the Telegraph, The Guardian, and the Independent on the last-minute deal at Durban.
It's Sunday morning, and I don't feel much like hurling (or even slow-tossing) invective. If you do, go over to Watts Up With That and have a ball. But God how I hate these fools, these liars, these smug unelected bureaucrats, these professional suckers on the taxpayers' teat, these science-killers, these whimpering victims and arrogant purveyors of the greatest mass delusion in history.
Whoops. Think I'll go out and kick Billy Bob around like a half-deflated (or, alternatively, inflated) football.
It's Sunday morning, and I don't feel much like hurling (or even slow-tossing) invective. If you do, go over to Watts Up With That and have a ball. But God how I hate these fools, these liars, these smug unelected bureaucrats, these professional suckers on the taxpayers' teat, these science-killers, these whimpering victims and arrogant purveyors of the greatest mass delusion in history.
Whoops. Think I'll go out and kick Billy Bob around like a half-deflated (or, alternatively, inflated) football.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Denver judge: Funding for Colorado schools must increase, big-time
This stuff is above my brain grade, but it doesn't sound good. The Post:
Update: The overly modest Ms Seebach responds in comments:
Update II: Randall Smith at the People's Press Collective is suitably restrained: "Denver judge blows up Colorado education spending."
In a ruling that could have profound consequences for Colorado's budget, a Denver judge Friday said the state's school-funding system is not "thorough and uniform" as mandated by the state constitution.But, but, I thought Amendment 23 was going to take care of things for eber and eber . . .
The state's school-funding system "is not rationally related to the mandate to establish and maintain a thorough and uniform system of free public schools," District Judge Sheila Rappaport said in a 183-page ruling in which she called the system "unconscionable."
"It is also apparent that increased funding will be required," Rappaport wrote. . . .
The case, Lobato vs. State of Colorado, was filed in 2005. It originated with a group of parents in the San Luis Valley but expanded to include districts from across the state.Demncrats argued this. Wow.
Lawyers for the state, represented by Attorney General John Suthers' office, argued that the question of how much should be spent on education should be left to the legislature and voters. They also said more money alone is not necessarily the solution to better schools.
But Rappaport clearly disagreed."There is not one school district that is sufficiently funded . . ."? Not even Cherry Creek, the rich kid district that is freqently compared to districts that have to school their kids in old nuclear-bomb shelters? Wow.
"There is not enough money in the system to permit school districts across the state to properly implement standards-based education and to meet the requirements of state law and regulation," she wrote in her ruling. "This is true for districts of every description. . . . There is not one school district that is sufficiently funded. This is an obvious hallmark of an irrational system." . . .
Eric Brown, spokesman for [Democratic] Gov. John Hickenlooper, said the state will almost certainly appeal the decision to the Colorado Supreme Court.Wow.
"The court clearly invited an appeal, and we believe an appeal is likely," Suthers spokesman Mike Saccone said. "It was clearly very tempting for the District Court judge to wade into what is a public policy debate." . . .
The lawsuit doesn't seek money. However, one consultant hired by Halpern and Gebhardt estimated the state's current funding system falls short by as much as $4 billion a year.
The state now spends more than 40 percent, or $3.2 billion in the 2010-11 fiscal year that ended in June, of its almost $7 billion general fund on K-12 schools.
Coloradans in November, by a 2-to-1 margin, shot down a $3 billion tax-increase measure for schools.When times are good, Coloradoweenians will vote "yes" on almost any spending measure; when times are bad . . .
Sen. Evie Hudak, D-Westminster, a former schoolteacher and State Board of Education member, hailed the decision. "It makes a statement about the necessity of adequate school funding."Bastard took my "wows." Like I say, this is too wonky for me. Maybe Ms Linda Seebach, who used to write about (among much other stuffs) education stuffs for the Rocky Mountain News, will try to make sense of it. The policy ginks at the People's Press Collective (of which, believe it or not, the D-blog is a founding member) will surely have multiple somethings. I'll keep my face peeled.
Sen. Keith King, R-Colorado Springs, a witness in the case, also was shocked, but not so ecstatic.
"Wow," he said. "Wow. Wow. This ruling is extremely disappointing."
Update: The overly modest Ms Seebach responds in comments:
Thanks for the memories, but I've been away too long to wade into this. Sounds as if the judge is way over her head, too; whatever is wrong with schools, it isn't lack of money. School spending has doubled or tripled (yes, adjusted for inflation!) over the last several decades with virtually nothing to show for it.Hell, even I knew that.
Update II: Randall Smith at the People's Press Collective is suitably restrained: "Denver judge blows up Colorado education spending."
Friday, December 09, 2011
Fracking hysterics
Josh Fox, maker of the eco-freako doco Gasland, in the Guardian today on the EPA's finding that fracking polluted groundwater in Wyoming:
Anyone who lives in a gas drilling area can tell you: fracking contaminates groundwater. Citizens have been shouting this at the top of their lungs in fracking areas since shortly after the process of hydraulic fracturing was exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act in 2005, paving the way for the largest gas drilling boom in domestic history. The exemption, known as the "Halliburton Loophole", allows fracking companies to inject toxic chemicals under the ground in huge quantities and not report it to the EPA. But with this much fracking going on, with thousands of wells being drilled and fracked in 34 states, and with thousands of reported cases of contamination, the gas industry just can't keep their secrets buried; they keep bubbling up throughNo, not a genius . . .
the ground. . . .
So, when the EPA now says, "When considered together with other lines of evidence, the data indicates likely impact to groundwater that can be explained by hydraulic fracturing," that is something quite new. What is also clear is that the aquifer in Pavillion will never be cleaned. The contamination there, for the foreseeable future, is permanent. And considering that the permanent contamination of huge areas of groundwater in the US is now a scientifically proven risk, the Pavillion investigation, as extensive as it was, must become the new standard for investigating fracking complaints worldwide.
Having investigated fracking myself for three years, I have heard the same story hundreds of times, from residents in gas-drilling areas from Wyoming to Arkansas, from Pennsylvania to Texas. It goes like this: the frackers move in – and all of a sudden your water turns color, or can be lit on fire, or smells like turpentine or leaves burn marks on you after you take a shower. It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots. . . .
For the first time, EPA links fracking to groundwater pollution
The totally objective and trustworthy EPA, that is. The Post:
Update: AP story in the Wapo goes into somewhat more, uh, depth, including the first use of the term (that I've seen, anyway) "fracking community."
Hydraulic fracturing, a controversial oil-and-gas production technique used in Colorado and across the country, has been linked for the first time to groundwater pollution in a case near Pavillion, Wyo.As he masturbated furiously into an organic Fleshlight. But read the story. Lots of disputation about what might or might not be going on in Pavillion. The evil oil company spokesman even has the nerve to point out that the origin of the various chemicals found in the local wells is still not certain. Even the EPA is cautious, noting that,
The finding by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday set off calls for tighter rules on the so-called fracking process, which pumps fluid into wells under pressure to fracture rock and release oil and gas.
"This could be a game changer," said Frank Smith, an organizer with the Western Colorado Congress, an environmental group.
"EPA's draft findings are specific to the production conditions at Pavillion in which fracturing occurred in and below the drinking water aquifer and in close proximity to drinking water wells," Richard Mylott, an EPA spokesman, said in a statement.This is not usual, as the story points out:
In Colorado, wells are drilled to oil-and-gas zones 6,000 to 12,000 feet deep, except for shallower coal-bed methane wells.Thought that was called a "cement overcoat." Anyway, in the Wyoming case,
State rules require that surface casing extend below the aquifers, which are usually no more than 1,000 feet deep, and the casing must be surrounded by a cement jacket.
The Wyoming wells were drilled to a depth of about 1,200 feet, and surface casing — pipe to protect groundwater — went to about 360 feet, leaving part of the aquifer exposed, according to the EPA report.These facts, of course, will be ignored by the envirotards. Oh well. Time to get out the whale-oil lamps.
Update: AP story in the Wapo goes into somewhat more, uh, depth, including the first use of the term (that I've seen, anyway) "fracking community."
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Do they still use the pic of the fat twins on minibikes?
Telegraph: "World's oldest dog dies in Japan"
This pic, likewise, was taken in December, 2010. Hard to believe.

Yes, another frisbee shot. Note: GGH (Grotesque Growth House) is not the pa-in-law's. His is much less, uh, magnificent. By the way, you can see one of BB's (harmless) fatty lumps just over his right shoulder. It's about three-quarters the size of a tennis ball. Ewwwww!
Update: The T's sidebar "News Most Viewed" column looks rather inter--well, you decide:
Father's finger bitten off at school nativity (no, it wasn't little Baby Jesus wot dunnit);
Police force invites tenders for £70,000 of sandwiches (your, or rather their, government in action); and
Jane Fonda defies her age with 1980s leotard (One-word D-blog opinion: No, she doesn't).
Update II: Fat twins on minibikes (actually small motorcycles) as they appeared in the Guinness Book of Whatever way back when. Now available on t-shirts suitable for any occasion!
The world's oldest dog according to Guinness World Records has died in Japan at the age of 26 years and eight months.
Pusuke, the fluffy tan Shiba-mix dog, was recognized as the world's oldest living dog dog in December 2010.

This pic, likewise, was taken in December, 2010. Hard to believe.
Owner Yumiko Shinohara said at her home in Sakura, a city outside Tokyo, that Pusuke, a fluffy tan Shiba mix, died on Monday after suddenly falling ill and refusing to eat.The report (I guess they mean the GWR thing) appears to use the formula that the first two years of a dog's life count as 10.5 human years apiece, with each year thereafter counting as four human years. Using that metric, this calculator comes close.
Shinohara told TV network FNN that she "would just like to thank him for staying alive so long." The report said Pusuke's life span would have been the equivalent of about 125 years for a human.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the dog was born April 1, 1985. Pusuke was recognized as the world's oldest living dog last December. The Guinness record for canine longevity is 29 years, set by Bluey, an Australian cattle dog who died in 1939.Australian cattle dog, eh? So is Billy Bob! In fact, using the calculator, I see that Billy is only about 65 years old. That sounds about right, poor lumpy thing. Oh, here's the PLT (the D-a-W calls him "GGB"--"Grotesque Growth Boy") at the Pa-in-Law's at Thanksgiving:

Yes, another frisbee shot. Note: GGH (Grotesque Growth House) is not the pa-in-law's. His is much less, uh, magnificent. By the way, you can see one of BB's (harmless) fatty lumps just over his right shoulder. It's about three-quarters the size of a tennis ball. Ewwwww!
Update: The T's sidebar "News Most Viewed" column looks rather inter--well, you decide:
Father's finger bitten off at school nativity (no, it wasn't little Baby Jesus wot dunnit);
Police force invites tenders for £70,000 of sandwiches (your, or rather their, government in action); and
Jane Fonda defies her age with 1980s leotard (One-word D-blog opinion: No, she doesn't).
Update II: Fat twins on minibikes (actually small motorcycles) as they appeared in the Guinness Book of Whatever way back when. Now available on t-shirts suitable for any occasion!
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Death penalty off table for Abu-Jamal
One of Ward Churchill's favorite murderers will die in prison. The LAT:
Former Black Panther and convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal will be spared the death penalty, the Philadelphia district attorney announced Wednesday, bringing a quiet end to a racially charged case that spanned 30 years.Of course he did. And of course this will be hailed as a great victory by all his fellow scumbag rads like Wart. The widow of the cop Mumia murdered sounds pretty philosophical about it:
Seth Williams, the city’s top prosecutor, said Abu-Jamal will spend the rest of his life in prison. He said the “decision to end this fight [over a death sentence] was not an easy one to make” and that he remained convinced that Abu-Jamal was guilty as charged and deserved to die for his crimes.
Maureen Faulkner said she accepted the decision reluctantly.Ditto. Mumia, of course, more than once defended Wart, and the fat fake Injun has returned the favor, frequently mentioning his support for the "still-caged" Abu-Jamal at the start of his speeches. Can't wait to see his reaction to this news (j/k).
“My family and I have endured a three-decade ordeal at the hands of Mumia Abu-Jamal, his attorneys and his supporters,” she said. “After 30 years of waiting, the time remaining before Abu-Jamal stands before his ultimate judge doesn’t quite seem so far off as it once did when I was younger. I look forward to that day.”
She sures looks better than she did during her Churchill deposition
That's former CU prexy Betsy "Terms of Endearment" Hoffman, who's a finalist for president of the University of New Mexico. She also once said attacks on Ward Churchill betokened a (wait for it) "new McCarthyism."
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Wart to appear at Tucson "collective" of some sort
The Dry River Collective, that is, which calls Wart "world-renowned" (and be sure to check out the pdf at the second link):
Update: D'oh! Completely forgot that JWP had this roughly six years ago.
De-Occupy O'odham Lands!As usual, a laff riot will ensue. The world-renowned participants can't be getting much, though, since this appears a little down the page:
When: Sat., Dec. 10
Ward Churchill, John Zerzan and Julian Kunnie speak at 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10; $10to $20 requested donation, but no one will be turned away. A vegetarian meal is included. The event benefits O'odham VOICE Against the WALL, an organization working to reunite O'odham lands and families split by the imposition of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Dry River Lookin for Birthday $$$(6 years on Nov. 5)
So, we’ve fallen a bit behind in the rent department as of late. If you can drop a donation below to the WEPAY account please ...
Update: D'oh! Completely forgot that JWP had this roughly six years ago.
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