A winter storm warning that includes Longmont [sorry, don't use the city paper anymore; Longmont is north and west of here about 25 miles] indicates that the storm could drop 5 to 10 inches of snow on the Denver metro area.Goodie, sort of. One of these days the shoveling will kill me, and while the high today was 55, they're calling for zeroish over the next few days.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
CO legislator kills pregnant woman in car crash
Texas safety officials say a 2010 Honda CRV driven by Williams was heading north when, for some unknown reason, it veered into oncoming traffic and hit the 2003 GMC Yukon driven by Eric James Gomez of Amarillo.As the story points out,
According to Texas officials, Eric Gomez tried to avoid the crash, but the vehicles crashed head-on in the center of the roadway.
Brianna Gomez's baby was delivered by C-section and is currently in critical condition at Northwest Texas Hospital. Brianna Gomez, who was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash, was pronounced dead at 1:30 a.m. on Monday morning. Lundberg says Briana Gomez, originally from Ouray, also had two daughters.
Investigators say Williams was wearing a seatbelt. Her son, 41-year-old Todd Edward Williams of Denver, and her oldest grandson, 7-year-old Tyler Williams, were not wearing their seatbelts and were ejected from the car. Both were listed in stable condition at Northwest Texas Hospital.
Williams' other grandson, 3-year-old Tristan Williams, was also not wearing a seatbelt, but was not ejected. He too was listed in stable condition at the same hospital.
Williams is on the Colorado Senate's Transportation Committee and has pushed for legislation giving police officers authority to pull drivers over for not wearing seatbelts. Right now, not wearing a seatbelt is a secondary offense in Colorado. . . .Williams says she doesn't remember much from the crash, but:
"It's a tragedy that I now have a personal experience with a highway accident," Williams told 9NEWS over the phone from Texas on Monday. "It's been very traumatic."Poor baby. Oh, wait. The actual ba--er, fetus--lived.
9NEWS asked Williams why her family was not wearing seatbelts during the accident and she said she did not have time to answer the question.Williams has come up on this blog before. She suggested repealing the Columbus Day holiday a few years ago.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The march of Science!
A surprising number of respondents (many of them non-scientists, by the way) cited the theory that stress (the hurly-burly of modern life and all that) caused ulcers. Other faves were the ether; the miasmic theory of disease; eugenics; intelligent design; Lamarckian inheritance; and spontaneous generation.
My own favorite response was from a Garniss Curtis, "Geochronologist Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley; Coauthor, Java Man":
For years I believed the Government's insistence that UFO's did not exist until I saw one under circumstances that could leave no doubt. Subsequently over many years I have seen three more. Being a scientist and professor at U.C. Berkeley, I quizzed many graduate students, asking them if they think they have seen UFO's would they come to my office and tell me about them. To my surprise, several of them did, and some went on to teach at various universities such as CalTech, and Johns Hopkins. They found, as I have, if a person hasn't seen one, he/she won't believe you. I have convinced only one scientist, and this was by giving him two excellent books on the subject which he read carefully, He came to me and said, "I am now a believer, but why this government secrecy?" I replied that I didn't know but that it must be extremely important to some branch of the government in the military.Wonder what those two books were?
Some of the suggestions are actually interesting, but really the only reason I bring this piece up is that of the 65 respondents, not a single one mentions the humongous, maggoty, stenched-out elephant in the room. Need a hint? Its initials are A. G. W. One guy, Paul Kedrosky, maybe sorta hints at it:
My favorite example is about science itself. For the longest time scientists didn't believe that their own discipline followed rules, per se, but then Imre Lakatos, Thomas Kuhn, Karl Popper and, my favorite, Paul Feyerabend showed how science was sociology, was prone to enthusiasms, fashions, and dogma, and so on. It was one of the most important realizations of my doctoral program.But apparently it doesn't happen anymore.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Funny line (category: unintentional)
"I hope you can hear me not just through your ears, your concrete minds, but through your hearts."
The National Peace Academy. Bunch of deluded los--I mean, "peacebuilders" and "peacelearners."
What am I doing watching old forums on C-Span on X-mas morning, anyway? None of your business.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Found stuff--doing time edition
These were in a pile of papers somebody dumped somewhere (look ma, I'm Julian Assange!). They belonged to a guy who spent something over a year in jail (Delta Correctional Center in Delta, CO) for I know not what defugalties.
One of the first handouts they gave him, one imagines. "Carry yourself in a confident manner."

In chains, as he should be:

First (or maybe second) infraction: unauthorized mail stuff:

A note to his moll: "Thank you for being the piss in my pants."

Getting an aspirin.

"when they got me."

Some of us more than others:

Keeping up on the reading. No doubt this tome is where he got "Thank you for being the piss in my pants":

Determined to change his ways:


Second infraction, contraband clothes:

Parole! One hundred bucks goodbye money. Cheap bastards.

Tips for staying out:

Update: Whoops, forgot the last page of the "Checklist for success": "Certain lifestyles are costly":

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Lousy pictures taken
Monday, December 20, 2010
Fish head
This includes Wart, whose "lengthy essay" is
free of political posturing. His concern is with due process, academic integrity and the freedom the University of Colorado Regents’ statement proclaims, the freedom “to discover, publish and teach truth as the faculty member sees it, subject to no control or authority save the control and authority of the rational methods by which truth is established.”Merry Christmas.
Update: Oh, all right.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Abstract of the week!
Past connections and present similarities in slave ownership and fossil fuel usage(via commenter "Noah2010" at the Monbiot piece mentioned two posts below.
Jean Francois Mouhot
The first part of the paper demonstrates the connection between the abolition of slavery and the Industrial Revolution: steam power changed the perception of labour; new techniques facilitated diffusion of pro-abolition pamphlets; fewer threats to basic existence resulting from industrial advances fostered sensibilities and moral standards toward abolitionism; and, through industrial development, the North grasped victory in the American Civil War. The second part presents similarities between societies in the past that have used slave labour and those in the present that use fossil fuels. It argues that slaves and fossil-fuelled machines play(ed) similar economic and social roles: both slave societies and developed countries externalise(d) labour and both slaves and modern machines free(d) their owners from daily chores. Consequently, we are as dependent on fossil fuels as slave societies were dependent on bonded labour. It also suggests that, in differing ways, suffering resulting (directly) from slavery and (indirectly) from the excessive burning of fossil fuels are now morally comparable. When we emit carbon dioxide at a rate that exceeds what the ecosystem can absorb, when we deplete non-renewable resources, we indirectly cause suffering to other human beings. Similarly, cheap oil facilitates imports of goods from countries with little social protection and hence help externalise oppression. The conclusion draws on the lessons which may be learned by Climate Change campaigners from the campaigns to abolish slavery: environmental apathy can be opposed effectively if we learn from what worked in the fight against this inhuman institution.
Look, a jungle bu--er, squirrel!
The result, of course, is tu quoque frenzy, as everyone and his dog leaps to accuse the other side of racism, censorship, being a flying pedophile, etc.
Fine, fine. North also responds (weakly, I think). In any case, it's all just a distraction. But fun, like (in certain circumstances) a baton in the nads.
Update: Totally o/t, but you know what I found out the other day? The D-a-W is an AGW skeptic. Could have knocked me over with a 4-iron (if there is such a device). How could I not have known this? I mean, she is generally, how you say, voluble on any and all subjects, but for some reason never made her opinion known, even after reading years of my drivel on the subject.
Even more staggering (stop with the 4-iron, already) is that this is a woman who is to the left of Dennis Kucinich. No lie. Sometimes Christmas does come early.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Have to admit
Cuba banned Michael Moore's 2007 documentary, Sicko, because it painted such a "mythically" favourable picture of Cuba's healthcare system that the authorities feared it could lead to a "popular backlash", according to US diplomats in Havana.Update: Appears the Guardian might (warning: goes to Bloatboy's blog), I say might, have been wrong. No denial of the doctors-walking-out part, you'll notice.
The revelation, contained in a confidential US embassy cable released by WikiLeaks , is surprising, given that the film attempted to discredit the US healthcare system by highlighting what it claimed was the excellence of the Cuban system.
But the memo reveals that when the film was shown to a group of Cuban doctors, some became so "disturbed at the blatant misrepresentation of healthcare in Cuba that they left the room".
Castro's government apparently went on to ban the film because, the leaked cable claims, it "knows the film is a myth and does not want to risk a popular backlash by showing to Cubans facilities that are clearly not available to the vast majority of them."
Friday, December 17, 2010
Vote Lo--er, Yes!
Among the possible reasons offered for one to find him annoying is, "He frequently wears huge aviator sunglasses."
At the moment, slightly over 70 percent find Ward annoying.
Coming soon to a power grid near you
Needless to say, 99 percent of the 500+ commenters on the article are less than happy.
(via commenter Viv Evans at WUWT)
Update: Caz comments from another part of the rapidly crazening Anglosphere:
We're paying an extra $40 or something a quarter for smart metres that haven't been installed, and which are, any case fully paid for by our taxes in the first place. That is, since the gov't has made it mandatory, they're paying all of the utility companies to implement the metres (that means paying for everything from project managers and business analysts to new billing software and all hardware and infrastructure).I'll just add: (Crickets).
I still haven't figured out why we're paying twice for something we don't yet have, and which will save consumers nothing, nor help them to monitor electricity use, because they won't be putting the electricity readers inside people's homes ... they decided that the 'money saving' smart metre, which was supposed to save on electricity use, since consumers would be able to "see" every minute of the day how much energy they were using, would be cheaper if you left out the digital readers.
Oh yeah: electricity costs have increased by a gazillion dollars too.
And if anyone can explain why we in Oz are paying twice for smart metres, please feel free to spell it out for me like I'm a simpleton.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
More concern about Churchill decision
Make no mistake. Disgraced University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill deserved to be fired. To be rather blunt, and as has been well documented over the last several years, he just wasn't that good at his job. But as fate would have it--and as a Denver jury concluded--he was fired for the wrong reasons. While the media provided a brief mention of an appellate court's denial of his plea to get his job back, too many reporters failed to tell the more important part of this story: the decision may hurt future public employees seeking redress and accountability over legitimate job losses and discrimination. . . .In the parlance of today, IA emphatically NAL, so for all I know Corry and DU law prof Alan Chen (whom Corry quotes) may be right to be concerned. In any case, Churchill's attorney David Lane (who, Corry reveals, is representing her in a lawsuit as well) will hammer on this point to the Colorado Supreme Court and beyond. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what they have to say, if anything.
That was fun, but better, I finally collected some of my favorite taglines from a few of the regulars. Don't know who started the practice, but they are windows to the lefty soul. Here goes, without comment and more or less in the order I pulled them.
Class war and Climate Change don't need us to believe in them
Bernie Sanders: A Senator who would rather risk losing his voice than his integrity
How can anything good ever gain traction when the media is blathering on without ethics and without direction?
Disclaimer: I am a political enemy of the Obama Administration. I am a friend of the working class
Top 1% of all income earners in the US made 23.5% of all income. Let's give them 23.5% representation & disallow contact w/ the other 76.50% of representatives
Proud Member of the Vast Sanctimonius Wing Conspiracy
We Destroyed this Village in order to save it from the Viet Cong er um Taliban
without the ants the rainforest dies
...the worst "foreclosure" - we truly lost the house
Life is less stressful when you realize that Obama is a Republican in "D" clothing
People place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution. They don't put their hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible.
The United States is not just losing its capacity to do great things. It's losing its soul.--Bob Herbert
Fare thee well, global extinction's forever. So what the hell, order your Mercedes in leather. - Boston
Have the TeaPublicans fixed the economy yet?
Any war requires forces that use their pen against the enemy, not in foolish tirades against their own leader, abetting the enemy. ~qua
When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it? Eleanor Roosevelt
Shamefully we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management, U.S. management. Edward Kennedy
I am Blackwaterdog! I support Barack Obama and the Democratic Party!! Want some? Get some SUCKERS!!!
90% tax on all income over a million or more: a simple solution to funding Healthcare Reform, extending Social Security benefits and other budgetary concerns.
"If the early settlers were as pro-peace and anti-war as their descendants are today, how different things would be." ~ Pondering Cherokee Chief ;p
S.A.W. 2011 STOP ALL WARS "The Global War on Terror is a fabrication to justify imperialism."
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning how to dance in the rain." (unknown)
Barack Obama: Ignores his legal obligation to prosecute people who tortured prisoners to death. Good at photo ops, though.
Proud member of the sanctimonious professional left and supporter of Wikileaks
I am the promise of all mankind, just like you.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Goodbye, DP
Not unexpected:
"Stockholm bombing: Iraqi group linked to Al Queda praises attack" Subhead: "Suicide bomber Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly referred to as 'martyr' on Islamist website"
A dumb one, but a martyr nonetheless. Related, perhaps:
"Anti-Muslim US preacher Terry Jones could be banned from UK" Subhead: "Home secretary Theresa May under pressure to close borders to Florida pastor who threatened to burn Qur'an"
Not unexpected, except to the Met Office:
"Weather set to take Arctic turn as big freeze returns to Britain" Subhead: Forecasters say thaw is a brief spell of better weather before ice, wind and snow returns later this week across the country"
Totally expected, but insane:
"Cancún agreement rescues UN credibility but falls short of saving planet"
Shucks. Sub: "$100bn 'green climate fund' committed to help poor countries defend themselves against climate change - money likely to come from private sector"
Friday, December 10, 2010
Jackson v. the Crete
Funnier (at least to me), was Churchill's assertion (as rendered by the student) that the Cherokee "fought with Andrew Jackson against the Crete."
Other than that, whatever, though Ward does seem to be sailing pretty close to the wind, word-salad-wise.
Update: The D-blog took some pics in Grinnell a few years ago. Some cool buildings
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
For the first time in nearly six years of blogging . . .
And to think just a couple of weeks ago I was chortling gheyly about another threat.
This is not funny. And it was infringement on a DP column by Mike Rosen (rightie yacker on the big AM station in Denver) that they went after first. I may have to make my first-ever call to a talk show to see how he feels about that.
No more DP homepage (I think I'll go to the Grauniad); no more linking; no more quoting, at all.
What self-destructive idiots.
More on that certain law firm
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Spagnuolo enters the ring
Nothing much happens for the first five (of just over six) minutes, then--well, watch.
They're both really slow, aren't they? But you have to give Glenn at least one jaded thumb up for being willing to risk inverted testicles and cauliflower brain for whatever reason he's doing so.
The ringside guy, of course, mispronounces "Spagnuolo."
(h/t "Diels" in comments a couple posts down)
Update 12/6/10: Jeez, just noticed the header on the vid misspells Spags' name too. Guy can't catch a break.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
'Tis the season
Dear John,Oh no, he's making another selling-books-out-of-the-trunk-of-his-car tour.
May I be the first to wish you a happy Christmas (I'm old-fashioned; I refuse to say "Happy Holidays!"). And: I promise I won't write again before my Spring 2011 speaking tour of the USA.
I am still down here [Florida, I think] working on "Himmler". I'm making good progress. I'll have this book available by next Christmas. The interest in it is huge.Gift suggestions for that hard-to-please someone from Dave:
For this Christmas, we already have some new treats. Just off the presses is our reprint of "The Virus House," my history of Hitler's atomic bomb project.But I wanted Legos! You can build anything with Legos!

From, unsurprisingly, the despicable Stormfront site. Soon as I thought of crematoria made of Legos I knew someone had done it.
Dave continues:
And we have "Uprising!", my book about the dramatic and bloody 1956 Hungarian revolt against the Jewish and Red leadership; we've had many requests for it."Jewish and Red leadership." Dave, Dave, Dave.
He has more books for sale, too, but who cares.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Somehow he never uses the phrase "show trial"
Ward Churchill: The lie lives onWhat about Wart?
Make no mistake about it: America's so-called legal "system" is hopelessly and intransigently corrupt.
In fact, if this "system" were beholden to its own laws, it would undoubtedly be guilty of fraud, extortion, obstruction of justice and conspiracy.
Of course, this reality should be self-evident, considering that men like Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy preside at its summit-the United States Supreme Court.
These five so-called "justices" are paradigms of legal realism-the judicial philosophy now infecting American jurisprudence. Legal realism contends that there is no such thing as law, only the whims of judges who make decisions based upon their own biases, political agendas and/or economic interests and then label them "law."
Legal realism is why these despicable "justices" have demonstrated no compunction about reversing decades of racial progress, ignoring legal precedent, and making individual rights and freedoms subordinate to corporate rights and freedoms.But, what about Wart?
But if the self-serving legal "opinions" of these five men are not enough to expose the legal "system's" corruption, there is always the disingenuous adage that "nobody is above the law."
Police officers who use excessive force, commit perjury, or fabricate evidence to obtain fraudulent convictions are rarely prosecuted, and if they are, they are usually acquitted. Even in the rare case of a conviction, such officers are usually given a proverbial "slap on the wrist" as punishment.
In addition, prosecutors who have intentionally withheld exculpatory evidence, suborned perjury, utilized "junk science," exploited racism, or engaged in similar misconduct to obtain guilty verdicts are frequently rewarded with judgeships or lucrative private law practices, and, in some cases, have even been reelected as prosecutors after their misconduct was revealed.
Meanwhile, the wrongfully accused and/or convicted often receive little or nothing in compensation for the injury to their reputations, the expenses incurred defending themselves, or the years of wrongful imprisonment they've suffered.
In South Bend, Indiana, for example, a federal magistrate denied any compensation to Richard Alexander, an African-American man who spent over five years in prison for crimes he did not commit. In speciously rationalizing this denial, this magistrate contended that Alexander failed to prove that he had been prosecuted in "bad faith."But . . .
In other words, to obtain compensation for an injustice, a wrongfully convicted person has to become a mind reader capable of discerning the intentions and motivations of the very people who investigated, prosecuted and imprisoned him.
Not surprisingly, the chief prosecuting attorney at the time Alexander was convicted subsequently became an appeals court judge, and the deputy prosecutor who actually tried Alexander was appointed to a judgeship in superior court.But . . .
This corruption of the legal "system" even occurs at the highest echelons of the federal government, which means that the federal agencies responsible for investigating abuses and corruption at the state and local levels may actually be more abusive and corrupt than the people they are investigating.
FBI agents who violate the rights of targeted individuals are routinely insulated from criminal charges by so-called "immunity" doctrines. Even on those rare occasions when agents are prosecuted and convicted, they are usually pardoned, as then-president Ronald Reagan demonstrated in the early 1980s. Yet the people whose rights they've violated often languish in prison for decades, and some still remain there to this day.
Nothing, however, invalidates the "nobody is above the law," adage more completely than the legal "system's" conspicuous disregard of the crimes committed during George W. Bush's illegal occupancy of the White House.But . . .
Lawsuits against former Attorney General John Ashcroft for abusing the "material witness" statute after the September 11, 2001 attacks have been routinely dismissed, and even the case that has worked its way up to the Supreme Court-Ashcroft v. al-Kidd-has seen the Obama administration, which rode into the White House on the promises of "hope" and "change," zealously defending Ashcroft's abuses.
In addition, allegations of wrongdoing against Ashcroft's successor, Alberto Gonzales, for the politically motivated firing of nine federal prosecutors resulted in no charges being brought, and advocates of torture, like former Justice Department attorneys John Yoo and Jay Bybee, were simply scolded for using "bad judgment."
Funny how the same legal defenses the United States government would reject and ridicule if invoked by foreign war criminals suddenly become acceptable when advocated by its own war criminals.
And, speaking of war criminals, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and others of their ilk now have lucrative careers writing books, giving speeches and appearing on talk shows.But . . .
Finally, as if to top off this mélange of injustice and hypocrisy, it was recently announced by assistant United States attorney John Durham (not surprisingly, a Bush administration appointee) that former CIA official Jose Rodriguez Jr. would not face criminal charges for destroying tapes that purportedly showed CIA agents torturing detainees.
Of course, if the average citizen destroyed such evidence, prosecutors would indict him or her in a heartbeat for "obstruction of justice." But since CIA agents are routinely allowed to engage in rape, torture, murder, and the destruction of democracies to preserve corporate resources and profits, obstruction of justice is apparently "small potatoes."
Also, just as in Richard Alexander's case, the ones profiting from the Bush dictatorship's criminality are the same ones who participated in it: Gonzales is now a professor at Texas Tech University; Yoo is a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley; and Bybee is a federal appeals court judge.
From these examples it is clear that, no matter who is in power, America's legal "system" will go to extraordinary lengths to punish people, even innocent people, who fall out of favor, and will go to even greater lengths to protect and defend those whose corruption serves the "system."Fina--
In response to my previous Pravda.Ru articles critiquing America's legal "system," some critics argued that, despite its flaws, American "justice" is superior to the "justice" dispensed by more repressive countries. Although I do not dispute this, what these critics fail to realize is that no system should be lauded simply for rising above the lowest common denominator, but should instead be judged by how far it has deviated from its professed ideals.
Sometimes a case comes along that helps to gauge the extent of this deviation. Ward Churchill v. University of Colorado, et al. is currently such a case.
Ward Churchill was a tenured professor at the University of Colorado (UC) [UC. You can tell he knows the school intimately. Okay, I'll shut up. Just let the words wash over you.]. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, he authored an essay in which he referred to some of the 9/11 victims as "little Eichmanns," a reference to Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann. Although his essay was largely ignored at first, in 2005 its contents became more widely circulated, prompting many right-wing pundits and politicians to demand that Churchill be fired.Spock-like logic. (Sorry, said I'd shut up.)
In addition to this right-wing frenzy, Churchill had the misfortune of being considered a "leftist" academic during the new McCarthyism-a time (that persists to this day) when organized efforts were undertaken to purge universities of professors considered to be "liberal" or "leftist," and when school boards, like the Texas Board of Education, were rewriting textbooks to appease whites, Christians and conservatives, primarily by disparaging the accomplishments of minorities, discounting the separation of church and state, and even censoring the writings of historical icons like Thomas Jefferson.
Even though Churchill's essay was protected by the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment, UC convened an "investigative committee" that subsequently accused him of "plagiarism" and other forms of academic misconduct. After being fired as a result of these allegations, Churchill sued the university and won. Although jurors only awarded him a single dollar, they made clear their belief that the misconduct allegations had simply been a pretext used to fire Churchill for the expression of his political views. The ultimate remedy for Churchill's unjust dismissal was left in the hands of the presiding trial judge, Larry Naves.
Although I applauded the jury's verdict, I did so with trepidation, stating in my article A Tale of Two Academics, (Pravda.Ru, June 18, 2009) that, "anyone familiar with American jurisprudence knows that such victories are fleeting in a legal system that labors harder to rationalize injustice than it does to produce justice."
While I would like to say that those words emanated from my "gift of prophecy," the reality is I was familiar enough with the machinations of the legal system to know that it would do anything to deny justice to a controversial figure like Ward Churchill. So when Churchill returned to court, it was not surprising to see the ethically corrupt Naves disregard the jury verdict and issue a ruling in favor of UC and the other defendants, claiming they enjoyed "quasi-judicial immunity" from lawsuits.
And just a few days ago, in keeping with the judicial traditions of hypocrisy and the rationalization of injustice, a Colorado appeals court speciously endorsed Naves' ruling, thereby ensuring the destruction of academic freedom throughout the United States.
Yet, given the impact that Churchill's case has not only on academic freedom, but upon freedom of speech in general, it would seem that many, if not most, Americans would be outraged by the duplicity of Colorado's so-called "legal system."
The problem Churchill faces, however, is the same one once faced by adult magazine publisher Larry Flynt in the case of Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell-nobody wants to defend an unpopular speaker, because, by doing so, they are often accused of also endorsing what that speaker said.
But what Churchill said in his essay is irrelevant. The reason for the "freedom of speech" clause in the First Amendment-perhaps the sole reason-is to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, after all, is protected by virtue of its popularity. Yet American history is replete with examples of how speech unpopular during one era subsequently became popular during another. If legal protections for such speech did not exist, however, many of those people who held "unpopular" opinions might never have been allowed to express them.
Naturally some have claimed that it is hypocritical to condemn the firing of Churchill while, at the same time, supporting demands that Gonzales and Yoo be fired from their respective academic positions-a stance I took in previous Pravda.Ru articles. But there is a significant distinction among these cases: Churchill was fired for exercising his right to freedom of speech. Gonzales and Yoo, on the other hand, corruptly sought to destroy this right, along with several others. And, unlike Churchill, they actually held positions of governmental power that gave them the capacity to facilitate this destruction. They should not be rewarded for this corruption by deriving income from teaching about the very rights and freedoms they've demonstrated nothing but contempt for.
In addition, such accusations of hypocrisy were recently muted by the right-wing's "outrage" over the recent firing of Juan Williams from National Public Radio (NPR). Many of the same right-wing pundits who clamored for Churchill's dismissal were suddenly condemning the firing of Williams as an affront to "freedom of speech," with some, like the chairman of Fox (Faux) News, even comparing it to Nazism.Well, after much chin-stroking and pipe-smoking, I think I can answer that: Fuck you. (Yes, stolen from AoSHQ.)
Another argument leveled against Churchill is that nobody is entitled to a job. While this may be true in "at-will" employment situations, Ward Churchill had academic tenure, and tenure was, and is, designed so that professors will be encouraged to write, speak or engage in controversial studies without fear of economic retaliation. For example, if not for the protections of tenure and/or respect for academic freedom, Alfred Kinsey would probably have been unable to conduct his groundbreaking research into human sexuality.
Another argument often proffered to justify Churchill's dismissal is that he was fired for plagiarism and academic misconduct, not for the contents of his essay. But this argument completely ignores the jury's verdict, something Naves and the Colorado court of appeals seemed more than willing to do. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon practice in the realm of legal realism. Judges who seek to promote their own agendas or protect their political cronies rarely let little "nuisances" like facts, truth, and justice stand in their way.
Finally, some Churchill critics have defended Naves' "quasi-judicial immunity" ruling. But for Naves to belatedly invoke it, and for an appeals court to embrace it, after a full jury trial was conducted not only is repugnant to judicial economy, it is an unadulterated fraud. After all, if Naves sincerely believed such immunity existed, Churchill's case should never have gone to trial in the first place.
Which leads to this simple conclusion: Naves did not expect Churchill to win. Undoubtedly he believed that the animosity the right-wing had generated against Churchill, coupled with UC's misconduct allegations and his biased trial rulings, would turn a jury against Churchill. When that did not happen, he concocted the "quasi-judicial immunity" defense.
The positive to Ward Churchill's case is that it serves to expose the duplicity and double standards of America's legal "system," as well as the mendacity and amorality of the people who control it. The negative is that most Americans rarely, if ever, interact with this "system" and therefore have no incentive to change it.
As the examples in this article illustrate, however, America's legal "system" has abdicated its responsibility to serve as a "check-and-balance" against the other two branches of government, and has instead been transformed into a weapon exploited by the wealthy, the corporations, and the politically connected to defend their criminality, conceal their corruption and promote their economic interests.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "No lie can live forever." America's legal "system," however, has proven, time and again, that the lies it propagates do indeed live forever.
Will Ward Churchill's case be one of them?
Update: O/t, but John K. Wilson, a pro-Churchill academic who defended Chutch both on his blog and in comments at (IIRC) The Chronicle of Higher Ed, has a hostile but polite interview with David Horowitz. It goes nowhere, but Wilson does manage to embarrass Horowitz (he says so himself), and force him into one of those "I had nothing to do with writing that (line, paragraph, etc.), and did not authorize its use" deals. Unfortunately, and as pointed out many times here and elsewhere, Horowitz is not a good rep for our side.
Update II: PB notes Michael Roberts' latest piece in Westword in which, as usual, he allows a Chutchite--in this case David Lane--to expound with nary a countervailing opinion.
Actually Lane had a couple of surprising quotes. The first was his pessimistic take on Churchill's chances:
Indeed, Lane concedes that "statistically, the odds of either the Colorado Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court looking at the case are slim.". . .The second, and less consequential, is in the same graf:
If, however, he and Churchill beat the odds, he actually thinks the conservative-tilting U.S. Supreme Court might give them a fair -- or at least a more fair -- shake. "We used to talk about the O'Connor swing vote. Now we talk about the Kennedy swing vote. But they've actually done some expanding of the First Amendment. An example of that is Citizens United" -- the ruling that removed limits on corporate funding for political advertising. "So I think they might actually treat the First Amendment a little better than the Colorado Court of Appeals has treated it, even with its current makeup.Lane, a lefty if there ever was one, calling the Citizens United decision "an expanding of the First Amendment." Crazy world.
Update III: Lots of verbiage above, huh? Read it (shakes fist). Reeaaaaaad it.
Update IV: Via commenter Fred at PB (same link), Law Week Colorado finds a DU law prof who's worried about the effect of the appeals court decision on the ability of public employees to get judicial relief.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Churchill loses in court of appeals
(via PB)
Update: Here's the Post story. Couple of typically circumspect Lane quotes.
Update II: The ACLU, AAUP, and someone representing the Center for Constitutional Rights, Latina/o Critical Legal Theory, Inc., National Lawyers Guild, and Society of American Law Teachers filed Amicus briefs.
Update III: Loved this part:
[Churchill] states that the investigation caused him to miss deadlines and to default on unspecified book contracts. He also claims that third parties cancelled speaking engagements and the alumni association withheld an award from him. As to the former contentions, the record is devoid of any proof of damage or causation. As to the latter cancellations and the withholding of the award, the University did not take these actions and therefore they do not constitute an adverse employment action.No award! Call the wahhhhhhmbulance! (Yes, that one should be honorably retired.) As for the alleged book contracts, I vaguely remember Wart saying (apparently not at trial) that he had four books in various stages of writing which the investigation and trial had prevented him from completing. Now it's been over a year and a half since his trial ended, and all he's produced is a foreword or two, one for a comic book. I doubt he's spent the time looking up case cites for Lane.
Update IV: Caplis: "Tremendous cause for celebration." That's it? Bleh.
Update V: Oops, spoke too soon. Lane is gonna be on next.
Update VI: Rats, had to take a phone call, but could kind of half-ass listen. Caplis let Lane keep the focus completely on the jury when at this point their verdict is kind of, you know, moot. Not one question (that I heard, anyway) about qualified immunity. Good job, Dan.
Update VII: Here's the podcast of Caplis's interview with Lane. It starts about 11:33 in.
Update VIII: The Gamera's story; CS Gazette; 7News. None has much new info, but the Wart-love in the comments is fun. Fave comment so far is at the 9News site: "A great picture of Ward. He looks exactly like an old Romanian woman who lost her donkey cart. What a stooge."

Update IX: The Little Churchills at the Wart Slobidarity Network have Churchill's reaction (though it isn't in quotes) (and no permalinks either, the morons):
Ward Churchill summarizes the ruling:Aside from that last, yup.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is wrong.
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is wrong.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is wrong.
The ACLU of Colorado is wrong.
The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) is wrong.
The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) is wrong.
The National Coalition Against Censorship is wrong.
Latina/o Critical Legal Theory is wrong.
And Federal law doesn’t apply in Colorado
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Abstract(s) of the Week!
Navigating Public Spaces: Gender, Race, and Body Privilege in Everyday LifeUpdate: The pirate whose parrot cussed out a TSA employee the other day has an abstract every bit as goofy as these, and Wart-related to boot. He also notes that the Colorado Court of Appeals apparently will publish its decision in the Wart case tomorrow. Can't wait.
Samantha Kwan
Borrowing from and refining Peggy McIntosh's (1988) ideas on white privilege, this article introduces the concept of "body privilege" and examines how a lack of body privilege materializes in everyday life. Interviews with forty-two "overweight" women and men reveal a body privilege continuum distinctly patterned by gender and race. Specifically, while a majority of participants are not able to experience a level of comfort when navigating public spaces, women generally report more instances of body nonprivilege. Moreover, a number of Hispanic and white women experience a heightened level of "body consciousness" that leads to some form of "body management." This article documents and discusses this body privilege and its racial and gendered embodiment, along with differences between body privilege and McIntosh's original concept. It also discusses how body privilege sheds new light on crucial debates regarding cultural ideals, women's bodies, and agency.
Unmirroring Pedagogies: Teaching with Intersectional and Transnational Methods in the Women and Gender Studies Classroom
Dawn Rae Davis
As the U.S. academy increasingly markets "the global" and "diversity" for undergraduate student consumption, feminists face new challenges with respect to the decolonizing goals of teaching. Analyzing race, gender, and culture intersections that inform epistemological desires in the Women and Gender Studies classroom, this article examines the potential of a "pedagogy of unmirroring" to engage students in a decolonizing process of learning that facilitates intersectional and transnational feminist methods. The analysis draws from personal teaching experiences to argue that the languages of postcolonial feminist studies can be applied to a politics of knowledge in the classroom by rendering self–other relations of empire visible to the "mirror" of student perceptions in ways that help them confront epistemological desires rooted in imperialist assumptions.
Quote of the Day!
That'll win friends and influence people. It's from "The Rules of the Game: The principle of climate change communication," by a PR firm called futtera sustainability communications (note lowercase humbleness). The whole website is kind of a (dismal) hoot. Here are some of futtera's "leading projects." Slow travel. Jesus.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Had a McRib today
It was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. A quarter-inch-thick rectangle of graymeat covered in a sickly sweet red liquid substance and topped with onions and pickles (pickles?), all ensconced in a doughy, wet bun. And somehow, notwithstanding that it probably came from five or six different pigs (?) and was squashed into a fine mash before the stamping process, the meat was tough. Couldn't choke down half of the horrid thing.
Update (from Billy Bob): Two "thumbs" up!
Update II: This post is like an extended tweet, isn't it? Sorry. Next up: D-blog takes a bath!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
'Round and about Coloradoo
Moron shoots park ranger in Utah canyon country:
MOAB, UTAH — Officers searching for a gunman in a rugged Utah canyon Saturday were believed to be closing in on the suspect accused of shooting and critically wounding a park ranger, authorities said.Nobody knows what happened yet. The officer is in critical but stable condition, which usually means he'll be okay, and they found the suspect's car.
Grand County Sheriff James Nyland said officers were able to pickup the man's footprints and found his rifle and backpack along the Colorado River, about 22 miles southwest of Moab.
Still, I think the cops should BOLO Aron Ralston's hand.
Remember how the Colorado ski industry was going to be killed by global warming? For a while you couldn't line your bird cage without seeing a piece on how the mountains would no longer get snow once AGW really got going. Oh, wait. They're still doing it. February 2, 2010: "Colorado groups says climate change endangers skiing." (No link because it's already down the memory hole. Anyway, a story today:
Big storm could disrupt mountain holiday travelOr this, also teased on the front page:
A huge snowstorm will dump up to 4 feet of snow on south-facing slopes in the San Juans this week but shouldn't impact Thanksgiving commutes across the Denver area.
Early storms lift skier, industry hopes as snow proves deep and powderyActually, the skiing has been excellent for the past three or four or five years.
COPPER MOUNTAIN — Snowstorms measured in feet. Powder. Avalanches. Bustling villages. A series of bountiful storms has catapulted Colorado's ski hills deep into winter. For many hills, this is the best opening in the past decade.
Darwin Award honorable mention:
Loveland beekeeper stung by his own shotgun booby trapHe lied about it, badly:
A Loveland beekeeper fell victim to his own sting and was wounded by a booby trap he set to protect his hive from a bear.
Police said John Frost, 68, suffered injuries to his left hand and left lower leg after an improvised shotgun booby trap he made went off Nov. 4. . . .
The [police] report said that his injuries did not appear to match his story and that Erbelding [Frost's girlfriend] said she never saw Frost with a shotgun.Why?
Deputies said Frost gave them permission to investigate his property.
According to the report, police followed a trail of blood droplets which led them to a "suspicious-looking box" with a pipe protruding from it near the beehive.
Deputy Andrew Weber, who filed the report, said he recognized the box as a booby-trap shotgun. The report said that the pipe appeared to be attached to a tripwire. Upon dismantling the device, police reported finding one spent shotgun shell.
According to the report, a hospital staff member became suspicious when he asked Erbelding what happened and Frost allegedly said: "Shut up, we talked about this." . . .
Parents arrive from Australia as investigators confirm identity of dead twinFamily Shooting Center. Well . . . But again, why?
As officials confirmed the identity of a twin killed in a suicide pact, the women's parents arrived from Australia to be with their wounded daughter,
The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office on Friday said Kristin A. Hermeler, 29, was the woman who died Monday at the Family Shooting Center at Cherry Creek State Park.
Perea [a cop] addressed media reports that a link to the 1999 Columbine killings was found among the women's possessions. He said the link consisted only of a photocopy of a Time magazine cover, from May 3, 1999, that depicted shooters Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.Weird. If Caz checks in maybe she can shed a little light on the case. Don't think the story says it, but I think the twins were from Melbourne.
"There were no other clippings or documents, nothing else on Columbine," Perea said.
Candice denied any interest in the case, and there was no other evidence to suggest a link, Perea said.
When investigators asked Candice about the magazine cover, Perea said, Candice replied: "I don't give a (expletive). It happened a long time ago."
Update: Post this Sunday A.M.:
Twins in suicide pact had contact with Columbine survivor in 1999Update II: Commenter "Hinckley" notes another twin suicide pact, in California last month. Let's not start a fad, guys. (Though isn't this how they ended the Patty Duke show in the 60s?)
The Hermeler twins' interest in Columbine High School grew from their experience as victims of bullying, as suggested by their phone calls and 11-year-old letters to a Columbine survivor.
Kristin Hermeler, the 29-year-old sister who committed suicide Monday at an Arapahoe County gun range, called herself "someone who has been rejected, victimized and ostracized" in a letter to Columbine survivor Brooks Brown. . . .
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
D-blog threatened by solicitors
Backstory: Last April I posted on Sally Weintrobe, a psychoanalyst who was to read a paper to an organization improbably called "The Tavistock and Portman," and titled (allegedly), "Heads in the Sand: What's mad about Climate Change."
According to T&P's press release announcing Weintrobe's appearance,
The overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion is that the warming the Earth has observed over the last 50 years has been due to an increase in greenhouse gases directly caused by human activities. Predictions for the likely effects of this warming vary from the disastrous to the apocalyptic.Unfortunately for T&P, what our Sal originally submitted as a promo blurb or whatever read simply:
People 's reaction to potentially hazardous problems [NOT doughnuts] are often acute and even exaggerated. Predicted pandemics such as Swine Flu cause panic and induce rapid changes in people's behavior. Yet faced with overwhelming evidence of a likely global catastrophe the vast majority of populations have their heads in the sand. Why is this?
Is it ambivalence and apathy? Or, are people paralyzed by feelings of anxiety and helplessness? What are the barriers to individuals taking action? WE [sic] must look at the reasons people are not acting in order to understand how to get people to act.
Some problems engaging with Climate Change: A psychoanalytic perspectiveSomewhat less strident (if perhaps equally dumb), wouldn't you say?
Using psychoanalytic ideas, Sally Weintrobe will explore some of the underlying reasons for the current level of denial of climate change and will suggest ways forward towards greater engagement.
Turns out T&P added all the other garbage, and then failed to run it by Weintrobe before publishing.
Well. On being informed through Weintrobe's solicitors, Gillhams, that she was pissed, T&P fell down two flights of stairs in their rush to apologize, starting with this explanation:
After reviewing the material, the clinical director who commissioned the talk decided to amend the draft with an eye to what he thought would improve the marketing of the seminar and attract a larger audience. . . .Can't find an account of the talk, don't know if it even came off. But that director should be on Mad Men, huh? Sell, sell, sell! Onward:
I am aware of your view that the changed title for your lecture, which includes the word “mad,” may be interpreted as provocative. I am also aware of your view that the description of your lecture is not reflective of how you, as a professional psychoanalyst, would approach your practice, this subject matter, or the public. Some of the blogs suggest you were motivated by financial gain [not me! I just suggested she was a dimwit] to give the lecture. On behalf of the trust I would like to make it clear that it was never intended that you would receive remuneration for giving the lecture, nor will you be offered any in the future.Unless, of course, Weintrobe decides to sue. Anyway, after some really gross Weintrobe-licking:
The trust therefore unreservedly apologises for changing the proposed title for the lecture and the advertising material that was published without seeking consent, and for any distress suffered or any damage to your personal and professional reputation. We are now actively taking steps to notify those in control of websites making potentially defamatory comments in respect to you and/or your intended lecture that such comments should immediately be removed from their web presence.My august web presence, if you please. Of course, I never heard anything from them.
After reviewing all this, Gillhams turns their attention to your darling defamatory D-blog, noting first that his post ("the Post") is one of a number of "agitated responses of the public" (yeah, sure) to T&P's press release, and listing the "possible defamatory meanings of the Post," among them,
a) Our client is crackpot psychoanalyst [sic], who should not be taken seriously . . .And so on. Finally,
c) The implication that our client is not a credible member of the profession of psychoanalysts [oh, no, she definitely is] . . .
e) The implication that our client is incompetent . . .
Our client is of the view that the Post presents an unfair portrayal of her professional standing, reputation, and approach to treatment of individuals. Our client has never exploited those who may be in need of treatment, including those who would be the subject of the seminar to be presented on behalf of the Trust.That's a relief. I was getting ready to seek help for my extreme AGW skepticism, but hesitated because I feared just such exploitation. Upshot of the whole lamebrain thing:
10. While our client is reluctant to do so, she reserves her rights against you for the defamatory content contained in your Post.So I wrote them a nice note, mocking them for thinking (which I doubt they seriously do) that there are actually grounds for a suit against me, especially in the good 'ol USA. But being an honest bogger (what?) I said I'd post a correction. Here it is.
More personally, Sally, dear, I apologize for T&P not having the brains God gave a salted slug. Hey, maybe this episode will cause you to contemplate changing the focus of your psychoanalytics, perhaps toward people who are such AGW fanatics that they recklessly, not to say defamatorially, add their own paranoid fantasies to your words. I doubt it.
Update: T&P wiki; T&P website.
Update II: And Gillhams? The original post stays up. Yep, I'm an internet tough guy.
Update III: Though to be fair, I'll add a note to the original referring to this post.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Grauniad stuff
Quitting drinking was the toughest decision I've ever made. Those closest to me were begging me to carry on. "Think what you're doing, George," they cried. "If you do get sober, you'll go on to be president and wreck the lives of countless people. Do us all a favour and keep getting legless." I'm happy to say the only legless people these days are the US servicemen returning from Afghanistan.

Accompanying art. I don't get it.
Most of the comments add up to: haaaaaaaaack.
On the environment page, an interview (from a forthcoming piece in Nature) with Dr. Phil Jones (say it like Tommy Lee Jones says "Dr. Richard Kimble" in The Fugitive) on the anniversary (almost) of the release of the Climategate e-mails (which were stolen, by the way). (Too many parentheses in that sentence.)
Not quite a tongue-bath, surprisingly, but obviously on Jones' side. I'd forgotten this, but back in February Jones said he would submit a correction to Nature about data from Chinese weather stations they'd published back in 1990. Now he takes it back:
Jones now says that is unnecesary. He said that he had been under pressure to concede errors earlier this year and had been on medication when he had given the interview to Nature in February. The idea that measuring stations had moved in China had been misinterpreted, he said, because his paper had talked of 84 stations from a larger group of 265. For his paper, Jones said he had chosen those measuring stations that had moved the least.Oh, well then. Why didn't you say so? On the e-mails:
But they weren't, you understand, actually deleted.Jones also insists that he did not delete any emails that had been requested from him through the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. Pre-emptive deleting of emails that might be requested in FOI requests in future is not against the law but the Muir Russell report pointed out that such actions went against the spirit and intent of the regulations. And that there was some evidence that this had happened at the CRU.
"You can't second guess what's going to be requested," said Jones, "I deleted them based on their dates. It was to keep the e-mails under control."
Most damagingly, in one email Jones urged colleagues to delete messages in which they discussed the preparation of a report for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
When asked why he did it, he told Nature: "That was probably just bravado at the time," he says. "We just thought if they're going to ask for more, we might as well not have them."
Update: WUWT has a post on Jones' "rehabilitation" based on the Nature piece itself.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wart and pedophilia--sounds familiar somehow
Slightly surprisingly, Caplis didn't know whether publishing such a book is legal. (Anarchist's Cookbook, anyone?)
Lane set him straight. More important, Lane said the Chutch decision should come down in the "next couple of months." Caplis asked him if he had gotten a feeling which way it'd go from the judges' questions.
"I got a bad vibe from one judge and okay vibes from two. And all we need is two."
He also predicted that, no matter what happens at this level or the next (the Colorado Supreme Court), the case will end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
At least he wasn't wearing a helmet
Well, he kind of had to. After all, it takes two hands to text.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
The amazing thing about this story
Welll, duuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Wait, needs a little more: duuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. There.
Even in one of the most contentious election cycles in recent history, most politicians agree on one thing: It's a mistake to raise taxes during an economic recession or early in a recovery.Make it most Republican politicians, and I might agree.
But equally mandatory fees have quietly and relentlessly crept up in Colorado and across the nation, and economists say they could be slowing the economic recovery. . . .Read the whole thing. It kind of dribbles off into a discussion of the reasonableness of pay raises for utility workers during a recession. But notice how three little initials are never mentioned with regard to Xcel, the power company: A. G. W. The adoption of belief in it sparked unnecessary initiatives like conversion of coal-fired plants to gas, "investment" in "renewables," etc. Idiots.
Update: Forgot I wrote this same story (a little more angrily, no doubt) a while ago.
Update II: What enviros will say to this piece: Well, duuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. But they'll add that it's life or death so, suck it up, Shriner.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Voting Riport
You've probably noticed how many people have said, "I'll crawl through broken glass to vote this time around." Well, I literally did.
Okay, I drove through broken glass. Still sucked.
First, I screwed up, assuming that the polling station in this area would be Rude Rec Center, as it was last time. So I tried to drive down there. Major construction everywhere around the place. Shovel-ready, no doubt. It was almost impossible to get there, but I did.
Wrong place, this year. The woman told me voting was at Barnum elementary.
Where is that, again? She didn't know.
Back home to look up where Barnum is (we're talking less than a mile one-way or whatever so I didn't insult Gaia too much, though I wanted to).
Barnum. Got it. Drive over. Wrong. They had no clue, and looked at me like I was a perv (as Wart will tell you, I am). Back home. Where the fuck do I vote?
Turns out, after a rudimentary tube search, Riverside Baptist Church (separation of C & S, y'all!), which is three blocks from my house.
Splendid place, by the way, though it's quite ugly on the outside.
Anyhow, when I was there (a little before one p.m.), there were three (count 'em, 3) other voters, in a deep, deep blue place in a very populous neighborhood. They had set up for like 20 at a time. I asked one of the poll ladies how turnout was, and she gave me the meh hand-waggle, and I heard somebody on the phone saying 209 for the turnout up to that point,
Very bad. For Dems.
The ballot itself. Too lazy (I say that a lot, don't I?) to find out if this is a statewide thing, but it was paper. First time I've voted with a pencil since the 70s. You had to connect little arrows. First time, also, that I voted a straight party ticket. I'll let you guess which.
Weirdest thing on the ballot? Initiative 300. Hey, if the UN wants it, why not Denver?
Monday, November 01, 2010
Everywhere she goes, she gets banned
Snapple says:First comment I've seen from her over there. Good work, Snaps! Let's see how long it takes before they can't stand your craziness, like everyone else who's had intertube dealings with you.
October 31, 2010 at 3:57 pm
[Snip. Calling people 'denialists' is against site Policy. ~dbs, mod.]
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Oh, wait.
Update: Yep, the TV guys say worst loss ever.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Everybody's sick of them
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Together at last
(h/t Ingrid at PB)
We're never gonna run out of anything
The (Julian) Simonists tear him up. Not, like the Black Knight, that he notices.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Letter from Obama
John --No "Dear" again. Starting to piss me off.
I come into this election with clear eyes.Uh-huh.
I am proud of all we have achieved together, but I am mindful of all that remains to be done."Mindful." Another word I hate.
I know some out there are frustrated by the pace of our progress.Yeah, that's what the frustration is about.
I want you to know I'm frustrated, too. . . .Contributing frustration: no more handjobs from the Wookie.
Neither one of us is here because we thought it would be easy. Making change is hard. . . .As one who, like you, almost flunked Consumer Math, I agree.
The very special interests who have stood in the way of change at every turn . . .Very special interests? Are you calling them 'tards?
. . . want to put their conservative allies in control of Congress. And they're doing it with the help of billionaires and corporate special interests underwriting shadowy campaign ads. . . .Three bucks? That's it? Hell, I can do th--oops, tapped out. Just gave my last buck to another bu--homeless person. Get a job, sir. I love this part:
There is no better time for you to start fighting back -- a fellow grassroots supporter has promised to match, dollar for dollar, whatever you can chip in today.
Please donate $3 -- and see who wants you to re-commit to this movement.
I know that sometimes it feels like we've come a long way from the hope and excitement of the inauguration, with its "Hope" posters and historic crowds on the National Mall.Yes, a loooooooonnng way. All down. "Hope" posters and historic crowds. Gad.
I will never forget it. But it was never why we picked up this fight.Working better than you thought, ain't it?
I didn't run for president because I wanted to do what would make me popular. . . .
You and I are in this because we believe in a simple idea -- that each and every one of us, working together, has the power to move this country forward. We believed that this was the moment to solve the challenges that the country had ignored for far too long.From the bottom up. Hahahahahahahah--oops, my colon just prolapsed.
That change happens only from the bottom up. That change happens only because of you.
So I need you to fight for it over the next 26 days. I need your time. I need your commitment. And I need your help to get your friends and neighbors involved.Not looking to get shot, pal. But look how the buy-in has gone down. Used to be, "Donate $25, $50, $100, whatever you can afford." Now:
If you bring in a new donor today, your $3 donation will become $6. And our Vote 2010campaign will have twice the resources to make important investments like putting staff on the ground, providing materials for volunteers, and turning out millions of voters come Election Day.https?
Please donate $3 -- and renew your commitment today:
If we meet this test -- if you, like me, believe that change is not a spectator sport -- we will not just win this election. In the years that come, we can realize the change we are seeking -- and reclaim the American dream for this generation.As usual, you're welcome.
Thank you for being a part of it,
President Barack Obama"I" count: roughly 15, in what, 300 words?
Clever Hans sucks
Update: What a come-on. Turns out it's signed by the jockey who rode Secretariat. Hope I can get my $99.95 back.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Forgot all about it
Denver's Sons of Italy Columbus Day Parade, scheduled to go as long as four hours, lasted barely 40 minutes this morning.There were a few protesters:
Even the group of protesters was on the smallish side and were difficult to hear across Broadway except for a few with microphones.Did Benjie get arrested?
Sons of Columbus President Rick SaBell said the parade was larger than past years and broke a record for the number of parade entries.Only been to one, and that was in the heyday of the protests, but the parade itself was pretty unlustrous.
"We've got all three ships, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria," he said. "We're gaining momentum. Our goal is to restore the history and luster of the parade." . . .
The most prominent feature of the parade were columns of gleaming motorcycles, from classics to elaborate custom-built bikes, that revved their engines to drown out protesters.Yeah, they did that in 2005 too.
A ring of police surrounded the small group of protesters on Broadway.Here's a little Malkin-fodder:
"Kick cracker bums off Indian land," said one sign.
"Columbus go home," a few dozen people chanted.
Protester Antonio Moreno said Colorado is occupied Mexican land.Yeah, racist. But the parade was so boring the reporter had to focus on some woman's apparently gimped-up little dog:
"This isn't your land white man," he yelled into his
microphone. . . .
Connie Truax's toy schnauzer Lacy was terrified by the cannons [at least they weren't crap cannons] just before the parade started. But when it got moving she charmed the few people scattered along the parade route."Now-adays"?
A Tom Tancredo supporter, Truax pushed a wheelchair with Lacy and a stuffed Uncle Sam aboard.
"He needs a little help now-adays," she quipped.
But her favorite candidate for governor was also under the weather.Fascinating.
"Tom couldn't be here. He has a terrible cold," she said.
Update: Did Benjie get arrested?
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Michael Douglas, by the way, had big ol' jowls even back then.
Many people think I'm getting smarter with age.
Update: Dig it!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Well, it's something; much commentary about what that something might or might not be in the thread. I just wanted to highlight a comment from "Kate," who for some reason links to a piece out of China:
Pig walks on two legsCan't figure out the connection to the Royal Society's statement.
A pig which can walk and do handstands (hoof-stands?) on two legs has become a local celebrity in China. . . .
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Absolute moral authority
And the crowd gives her a standing O.
(via Tim Blair)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Never agreed with KC (or many others) on that one, but, onward:The predictable voices have sprung to Ayers' defense. Cary Nelson conceded that the Trustees have the power to deny emeritus status, but nonetheless suggested that Kennedy should have recused himself. (Nelson didn't say if all the other trustees who voted against Ayers should have recused
themselves as well.). . . .
[T]he best comparison to the Ayers case is that of disgraced ex-Colorado professor Ward Churchill. After Churchill's "little Eichmanns" comment, the university launched an inquiry into his scholarship, and discovered myriad instances of dubious (or much worse) academic behavior. The university pointed to the findings of this inquiry to fire Churchill. I disagreed at the time with the decision to terminate Churchill, since it seemed to me impossible to separate the decision to investigate his academic misconduct from his offensive essays; and also because Colorado, which hired Churchill under a "diversity" hiring initiative that seemed tailored to hire underqualified faculty with extremist views, knew or should have known what it was getting when it hired Churchill.
The same applies to Ayers. The University of Illinois knew or should have known what it was getting when it hired Ayers---and yet the Trustees signed off on his hire, and whatever promotions or pay increases he received while employed at the university. It seems a little late in the game to be ruling his previous actions disqualifying for appointment.Tough. Then KC (who's always been very careful to identify himself as a liberal, though how he compartmentalizes this from the behavior of the "liberal" Duke faculty during the LAX scandal is beyond me) goes into his usual vague (when he's off the LAX case) condemnation of the leftist garbage being taught in schools of education, heavily influenced by Billy:
The real Ayers scandal isn't his (incidental and basically irrelevant) connection to then-state Sen. Barack Obama. Or whether or not Ayers should receive emeritus status at Illinois-Chicago. It's that, as Inside Higher Ed's Scott Jaschik correctly points out, Ayers' "numerous books and articles" have earned him considerable respect among education scholars." If Chairman Kennedy wants to perform a lasting service to his institution, he and his colleagues should do more to ensure that actual merit---rather than politically correct pablum of the type that characterized Ayers' career---serves as a precursor for employment in UIC's Education program. Ayers' career is done. But the harm that Ayers' approach has done to American schoolchildren will continue, without more aggressive oversight by boards of trustees around the country.Fine, fine. Let slide the claim that Ayers' connection to Obama is irrelevant. Weirder, note how Johnson calls Ayers' theories and teaching to ed students "pablum," while not spelling out what they are: an attempt to indoctrinate future teachers in brainwashing children into a belief in the nugatory concept of "social justice," and (don't believe I'm overstating it) the need for revolution. Now, that he couches it in pablum ("Vote Love!") I won't dispute.
Ayers hasn't changed his aims from his terrorist days; just his methods.