Thursday, June 26, 2008

Soon to be syndicated coast to coast

The devil-may-care shiteaters (sorry, JWP, "coprophages") of the Ward Churchill Solidarity Network make an announcement:
Ward Churchill’s case continues to be emblematic of the ongoing attacks on those who teach and write about “unpopular” truths, insist that the histories of Indigenous peoples and peoples of color be made accessible, and resist U.S. violations of human rights and international law.
If you say so.
To bring you updated information on such struggles, to keep you informed of developments in Ward Churchill’s lawsuit against the University of Colorado (scheduled for trial in March 2009), and to better respond to your queries, we’re launching a new website (right here) in mid-July.

We’ll be featuring a column written by Ward, blogs, an updated calendar, news, and easier access to documents about CU and their corporate cronies.

Ward, the David Broder of the jerk-rad set. Be interesting to see if the column or blog(s) (written by whom?) will have comments enabled.

Update: American Indian Mafia authors Joseph and John Trimbach were interviewed earlier this month on Native America Calling on the siege of Wounded Knee. None of the Indian callers wants to hear what they have to say, though several acknowledge the less-than-exemplary behavior of AIM leaders and a couple specifically dismiss Ward Churchill and his lies about the incident. The Trimbachs come across as both sincere and truthful (is that redundant?); unfortunately, the host lets callers filibuster.

(via, I rudely forgot to say, Schnapple)

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