That's the plan anyway. At the landing where we want to put in (as the jargon has it), the Ponca low water bridge (do not attempt to go under bridge!), the river needs to be flowing at two feet. Less than that and it's dry in spots. Right now, the river's flowing at 1.59 feet. Not enough.
This matters because the upper stretch is the most spectacular, scenically speaking, and if we have to start farther downstream we'll miss sights like this:

Which would suck.
But I think we're pretty much committed to doing the trip; it's just a question of how far upriver we'll be able to put in. Rain, please.
(Credit: Waterfall on the Buffalo from the very nice site Ozark Backpacking.)
Update 3:50 p.m. Incredibly, this just in at Drunkablog World Headquarters (via e-mail):
Gents,(Note: Exclamation points denote excitement.)
It's been raining in Ponca (about a 1/2 inch so far) and there is a 70% of T-storms for tomorrow and next Monday through Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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