As if you needed reminding, today is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, as declared by the UN's
Ozone Secretariat. As Tim Blair (
via whom) notes, this year's theme is "Ozone layer protection: governance and compliance at their best."
Among the activities planned in various shitholes:
Meeting with schoolchildren and speech on “We protect the ozone layer for the life on the Earth”;
Speech and demonstration of video-film on the central republican TV channel on 16th September;
Preparation and publication of “Changing Ozone Layer” Article in central republican newspaper.
A special edition of “Phemphis”, an Environmental Newsletter, will be released with a special message from UNEP and the Minister of Housing and Environment Mr. Mohamed Aslam. One of the most significant events of this celebration will be the starting of the “Annual Ozone day bicycle Race” the purpose of this is to make people aware of the harmful gases the vehicles releases in to the atmosphere and create more understanding about the Ozone Layer. This event is scheduled for 25th September
Damn bikes.
Croatia is allegedly preparing stuff:
The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction is preparing the translation of the brochure „Vital Ozone Graphics 2.0 Climate Link - Resource kit for journalists" which will be published on Ministry's website;
In the cooperation with a well known Croatian illustrator, the Ministry is going to create the new concept design which will be used on all the promotional materials and jumbo posters which we are planning to produce;
The Ministry is planning to announce the information that the Montreal Protocol has been recognized around the world as the most effective multilateral environmental treaty ever implemented on its website to awaken the public about the success of the Montreal Protocol.
Sri Lanka is going all out, with, among other junk, a student oratory competition and the issuance of two commemorative stamps. Apparently no first-world country is bothering.

Nekkid Gaia sez: Look at me! I'm Annette Funicello!
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