Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hick won't be "super"

The Post:

Mayor John Hickenlooper has pulled his name from the ballot to be Colorado's last superdelegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, a spokesman for the Colorado Democrats said today.

Hickenlooper was facing former Denver mayor and Clinton administration Cabinet member Federico Peña for a contest that was to be decided Saturday at the Colorado Democratic Party's state convention in Colorado Springs.

Hickenlooper has pledged to remain neutral in the Democratic presidential primary race while he works to help raise $55 million in privately donated cash and services for the city's convention host committee. . . .

Hickenlooper "absolutely deserves to be" at the national convention, J.W. ["Going"] Postal, a Colorado superdelegate who supports Obama over Hillary Rodham Clinton, said in an interview last week. "And he absolutely deserves to be at the head of the table. But this thing could come down to every single vote, and we need to make sure we get every single vote we can for our candidate."

Kiss kiss.

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