Would almost be rather regal-looking except for the weird red bits stuck all about its face. (From here.)
Here's another I like because it looks like a bird with attitude.

Don't mess with me while I'm walking down my road. [from here]

By Laurence Shan. Stone statue of Shennong, the Divine Farmer and legendary originator of Chinese herbal medicine, in Shennongjia, Hubei Province.
It was posted under the title, "Continuo a ser um Inimigo do Estado." I don't know Portuguese, but it is close enough to Spanish for me to confidently translate this as "I continue to be an enemy of the state."
But really, all of this is just an excuse to post just about the coolest picture I've ever seen in my life which I found while trolling over at old Sisyphus' site. Here 'tis:

By Laurence Shan. Stone statue of Shennong, the Divine Farmer and legendary originator of Chinese herbal medicine, in Shennongjia, Hubei Province.
It was posted under the title, "Continuo a ser um Inimigo do Estado." I don't know Portuguese, but it is close enough to Spanish for me to confidently translate this as "I continue to be an enemy of the state."
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