Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Night at the Radio!

Since it's Oscar night (no, I'm not liveblogging not watching it), how about Academy Award Theater: "The Maltese Falcon" (3 July 1946). Original cast, except for Peter Lorre and Elisha Cook (Wilmer).

Think I've played this one before, but tough titwillows. Jack Benny: "Jack loses Ronald Colman's Oscar" (28 March 1948).

Information Please: "Dean C. Mildred Thompson of Vassar College" (3 October 1939). Sound's a little muddy.

Dragnet: "Big Drifter" (23 February 1950).

Who's hosting the Oscars this year? Hugh Jassman?

Update: Okay, I'm watching a little bit. Glad, too, because I didn't miss the (first) glitch: "Open it, Steve!"

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