I am a Sacred Clown, forms of which have been part of every tribal society since the beginning of human history; the one whose job is to inspire others toward personal and spiritual growth and a positive attitude toward discovery, diversity, and constructive change.The pics and quotes that follow (and many others "suitable for framing") are available at Sister Who's website for $10 each (Sister Who will sign your picture on request at no extra charge).
A soft-spoken and gentle gay man also known as Denver NeVaar, I am passionate about the value of life and spirituality, have competed in physique/bodybuilding, and enjoy hiking and skiing.
I am a nun according to the more inclusive definition of a commitment to spiritual service and have never done anything intentionally sacrilegious or disrespectful of any member of any religious order of any form of spirituality. Rather, I am happy to encourage and support the ministries and personal spirituality of others in ways that are consistent with non-violence and mutual respect, trusting the Divine to guide each person's growth in individually appropriate ways.

My spirituality is very eclectic, having begun within the Roman Catholic Church and included experiences of Pentecostal and Non-Pentecostal protestant Christianity as well as Pagan, Buddhist, Hindu, New Age, Native American, and Unitarian-Universalist forms of spirituality.

Sister Who is "Recipient of the 2006 R. Allene Sather Award from Iliff School of Theology for 'demonstrating interest and ability in innovative worship.'" Quite a school, that Iliff School of Theology.

Lincoln's leg with Sister Who.

Just noticed that's a real plate with the bizarre nun on it. Wonder if he has, like, eight complete place settings with bowls and salad plates and all? Actually I don't wonder at all.
As a form of the centuries old archetype of the Sacred Clown, I am the painter's canvas upon which symbols, colors, questions, insights, and various forms of prayer are presented to others within a wide variety of social situations. By the mere fact of my presence, I challenge each person I meet in various ways according to his or her unique experiences and perspectives, to look at things differently and thereby see things to which he or she may have otherwise been blind. Through intuitive meditation, readings using various decks of cards with symbolic images, and empathic dialogue, I open windows and doors of insight, offer hope, and provide inspiration to keep going, especially in those moments when life is a confusing, discouraging, or even adversarial jungle.Update: Bet you didn't know that I too am a nun, according to the more inclusive definition of a commitment to making a complete ass of myself if there's a buck in it. Or even if there isn't.
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