Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Unmask! Unmask!

Speaking of Benjie Whitmer, owner and operator of the filthy Try-Works blog, he's posted Unconventional Achtung's DNC "primer," which the D-blog had over a month ago but which is definitely worth another look.

Benjie also, however, has a UA map showing Denver spots of particular interest to anarchists, including C2HM Hill, "National developers; contracted out in New Orleans for a $100 millions dolar contact [sic, of course]"; Dyncorp, "The world's most permier Global mercenary corporation; recently playing a very large part in Iraq and Plan Pueblo Panema"; and "Niketown" (no explanation, apparently, needed). The icon for Dem gathering spots is a cute little pig wearing a tie.

He also had a couple anarchoid posters I hadn't seen before:

(h/t: General fucking Sherman--hey, I can stop any time I want to. You fuckers.)

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