Monday, March 03, 2014

'Gay and lesbian troops perform in drag on American military base'

Said The Week, and it looked something . . . like . . . this:

Dammit, the title gives it away. Yeah, and the still. Good movie tho, huh?


jwpaine said...

I am posting a comment on: The Drunkablog. Is sign of Apocalypse, no?

Focko Smitherman said...

Whoops, just saw your comment, but yes, me fatfinger button.

jwpaine said...

Wow. Dialog. Enough ppl find out this can be done on the Inter tubes, it's popularity could take right off! Shit, I could this this Cobra CB away!

Focko Smitherman said...

Goddamnit, I still have to remember to look at the fucking blog to see if some weirdo actually replies to posts. Okay. Some weirdo does. Now I feel unsafe. Maybe I better go Althouse on these comments.

Where's Snaps? (Don't say it three times.)