Sunday, March 07, 2010

Lessons unlearned

A weird, poorly written article in The Student Life, apparently a periodical of some sort published by Pomona (CA) College or Claremont College(s) or something on the Wart case. Start of the second graf:
On Apr. 2, the Denver State Court ruled that the university had fired former Ethnic Studies Professor Ward Churchill for political reasons. . . .
Er, no. But I did like this, a little further down:
Claremont McKenna College government professor John Pitney said that this case highlights important issues for faculty and administrators at the 5Cs [I assume "5Cs" refers to various Claremont colleges].

“There is a lesson for administrators and a lesson for faculty,” said Pitney. “For administrators: in any kind of disciplinary action, observe due process. For faculty members: in your research, don’t make stuff up.”
Words of wisdom. More:
Brian Burkhart, a Pitzer College Native American studies professor who was not rehired, compared Pitzer’s decision to not rehire him and CU’s decision to fire Churchill. Burkhart was denied the position of comparative or non-western philosophy [huh?] after a national search. Burkhart said that there are connections between his case and Churchill’s.

“When Native American academics attempt to do research that really reflects Native American worldviews, these academics are seen as trouble-makers, activists, and/or just bad scholars,” said Burkhart.
Churchill hits the trifecta there! Last couple:
Pitney thinks that Churchill should not return to his post at CU.

“A judge is going to decide whether he should either receive reinstatement or back pay,” said Pitney. “I’m not a lawyer, so I cannot offer a judgment on what Colorado law requires. I do think, however, that his blatant academic dishonesty renders him unfit for any faculty position.”
Good for you, Pits, but you forgot the third option: Chutch gets nothing: no job, no money.

Update: And the assertion that that fat fake reflects "American Indian worldviews"--well, I won't elaborate; I've got a sub sandwich to love.

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