Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack thanks D-blog

This just received via "e-mail':
John --

This night could not have happened 40 years ago -- or even 4 years ago.

And it could not have happened without you.
Aw, shucks. Just glad to help. Back where I come from, we call it being neighborly.
You believed, against the odds, that change was possible [I did, didn't I? I'm kind of noble that way]. I felt your passion here tonight [oh, that was you, you nasty man], and I know it was shared by millions of Americans who are building this movement all across the country.

Tonight is your night. But tonight is just the beginning.
I need your support more than ever.
Anything, dreamboat.
Make a donation of $25 or more right now.
(D-blog runs away)
Thank you for everything you've done,

More tomorrow, you lucky losers.

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